Judged By Experts. The Verdict MUST Be True.

Lefty Lunatics are at it again. Calling them LUNATICS is somewhat IRONIC and SEXIST which I will explain later.

A Yale trained psychiatrist, Dr. Bandy X. Lee, has just released a book titled, “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President” where she presents her findings that President Trump is mentally unfit to serve as President of the United States. Doc Lee has taken her new found 15 minutes of fame and has briefed a small group of fellow LOONS in congress, as to her conclusion that President Trump is mentally unfit.  She claims that this is her duty to sound the alarm about President Trump just as someone should have raised the alarm about the rise of Adolf Hitler.

It has been reported that Doc Lee herself has said that diagnosing a patient without ever seeing him or interacting with him in any way is against the “ethics” of her profession. I guess the CANONS of ETHICS for psychiatrists isn’t worth the toilet paper that they obviously must be written on. I haven’t heard that her medical license to practice has been revoked or that she has been censured in any manner.  Makes one wonder how ethical the profession actually is.

I’ve heard the LOONS on the left yelling that it’s not one, not two, not three, but 27 psychiatrists who believe President Trump is unfit for office. Once more let’s look at some numbers. These 27 lunatic psychiatrists with “Trump Derangement Syndrome” make up only 6/100ths of a percent of the 49,000 psychiatrists in the United States.

“But 27 is a big number”, the LOONY LEFT argues. “There MUST be some validity to their conclusions”. Once again let’s revisit some recent history to assess the accuracy of a “BANDWAGON” conclusion.

In 1989 TWO physicists, Marty Fleischman, one of the world’s leading electrochemists, and Stanley Pons released finding of HISTORIC proportions. Similar to Doc Lee releasing her findings in a non-peer reviewed book, Pons and Fleischman released their finding, not in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, but in a press release to the general public. What was this history finding? Unlimited energy production through COLD FUSION. It has become know as the Fleischman-Pons Experiment. As soon as the experiment was described almost immediately MANY physicists around the world said that they duplicated the results, VALIDATING the EXPERIMENT. The Russians claimed they were getting higher yields of energy than the original experiment. The mass media was reporting this discovery as “Greater than the Pennsylvania Oil Rush” as to energy production. What happened to this great source of FREE energy? Within months of the announcement of COLD FUSION and physicists world wide showing POSITIVE results, other physicist were starting to report that they could not replicate the results.  More negative results poured in.  The majority of physicists were concluding that the results of the Fleischman-Pons experiment were flawed.

A conference was held on COLD FUSION where Steven Koonin of Caltech stated that the results were simply a matter of “the INCOMPETENCE and DELUSION of Pons and Fleischmann,” In less than a year after its announcement, COLD FUSION was DECLARED DEAD.

NEVER FORGET, just because a group of EXPERTS declare something as TRUE, doesn’t make it TRUE.

Oh yeah, I’m being quite sexist when I call them LUNATICS. The term LUNATIC comes from the 28 day (Lunar) cycle of the moon which was thought in times of old to reflect the 28 day menstrual cycle of WOMEN, where they believed that women lost their minds for a period of time.

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