Category Archives: Business

EV Charging The Biden Plan

As part of the OVER TRILLION DOLLAR infrastructure bill passed in 2021, 500,000 EV charging station are to be installed across the country by 2030. I’m an owner of an EV, having more charging options MIGHT be a good thing. However, as of 2024 the Bidumb administration has spent $7.8 BILLION dollars and has installed 7 or 8 charging stations (it’s hard to get an accurate number). Okay about a BILLION dollar$ per installation. To meet the 500,000 goal Bidumb must install 100,000 chargers per year for the next 5 years.

Let’s put this into perspective. Telsa has the most installed EV chargers in the US. There are about 25,000 Tesla chargers as of 2024. Tesla has been putting in chargers for the past 12 years.

The Bidumb “union workers” (because all jobs to the Old Husk are union jobs) will somehow magically install FOUR TIMES the installed base of Tesla chargers EVERY YEAR for the NEXT FIVE YEARS, for a total of TWENTY TIMES what Tesla has done.  They will be busy little beaver for sure.   Blondie Granholm and Pothole Pete will somehow install TWENTY TIMES as many EV chargers in just 5 years compared to what took Elon Musk 12 YEARS to do.

Looks as if Blondie and Pothole are SMARTER than ELON MUSK.

Just goes to show that GOVERNMENT is much more efficient than PRIVATE INDUSTRY.  Totally believable.

No One Cares About The Ties To China

Last year an unlicensed (illegal) bio lab was discovered in Reedley California by a building inspector. Many MONTHS after it was discovered the lab was closed. The lab contained cultures including, Chlamydia trachomatis, E. coli, Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 and 2 (HIV), Malaria, and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, known as COVID-19). It took MONTHS to shut the lab down because almost every agency said they have no legal oversight authority for the lab. When state and federal agencies attempted to contact the owners of the lab, the contact information was for a vacant warehouse in Fresno and a business in China. The VENERABLE Centers for Disease Control and PREVENTION, CDC, did a cursory look at the lab and took no responsibility or action, saying nothing was wrong to their eyes and the existence of the lab is a local health department issue. Never mind the hundreds of infected mice in the lab.  I guess that’s why PREVENTION is last in the agency name.

Back the truck up a couple of yards.

We had a mass PANIC for decades starting in the 1980’s over HIV and we still have protocols in place for blood donations because of HIV. Apparently a stockpile of HIV in an ILLEGAL lab is of not a problem.  We shut down the WHOLE COUNTRY for almost 2 YEARS because of COVID-19 and the CDC says a stockpile of the virus in an ILLEGAL LAB is no big deal?  I suppose the CDC just assumed all the COVID-19 in the lab was naturally occuring from the WET MARKET in Stockton or from the San Joaquin Valley Pangolin population.

What no one is reporting, but I’d like to know, were any of the people working at the LAB, also ILLEGAL or were they all US citizens or documented aliens. If the were not GREEN CARD or H1B Visa holders, where are they now that their sponsoring business is gone?  Was anyone deported or imprisoned?

Many of the ILLEGAL Marijuana farms are run by Chinese nationals. The China connection with ILLEGAL drug activities is growing (pun intended). Chinese LABS for drug production here in the US are also increasing. Precursor chemicals are shipped across the US, from China, mostly through Mexico to the LABS. Again, I’d like to know who are the people running these LABS?

The problems seems to be no one cares about who or what crosses the Southern border.

Thanks Joe Biden.

Bidens Always Pay Their Fair Share In Taxes

Let me start with, WTF?

Hunter Crackhead Biden’s plea deal that tanked is rather interesting. Here’s something that no one seems to be asking about the plea deal.

Crackhead Biden has 2 misdemeanor charges of “forgetting to pay” Federal income tax on $1,500,000.00 in 2017 and another $1,500,000.00 in 2018. If it were you or me, the Feds would call it “Tax Evasion“, not a simple, “Oopsie, I forgot to pay“.  Be that as it may, the misdemeanor charges state that Crackboy owes $100.000 for each year in unpaid taxes. Why has no one asked if that seems FAIR?

Using an online tax calculator for 2017 with no deductions Crackboy would owe $559,004 or over HALF A MILLION DOLLAR$ in Federal income tax. In order to get anywhere near the $100,000 owed level, Crackboy would need to write off more than ALL of his income. Playing with the tax calculator he’d need:

$500,000 in dental and medical expenses
$500,000 in taxes paid (state and local)
$435,000 gifts to charities
$500,000 in casualty and theft losses

I can understand the HALF MILLION DOLLARS in dental work since he had “Meth Mouth” and would need implants. The rest is a bit hard to believe.  $450,000 in hookers might be considered a charitable donation.  Perhaps the $500,000 in theft losses was his cut to “The Big Guy“.  

$100,000 is the same as $559,004 if you’re just a poor victim of drugs.

Paying YOUR FAIR SHARE, right Joe?