What A Shit Storm

You can probably tell from the title what I’m going to write about today.

“Shit hole”.  “The President said a naughty word!”

This whole fake controversy and fake outrage over what President Trump MAY or MAY NOT have said is absurd. The lunatic left will jump on anything they can to disparage the President.

First, Dick Durbin is the knucklehead that tattled to the press, after a CLOSED DOOR meeting, that President Trump MAY have called some shit hole third world COUNTRIES (not people), shit holes. Remember Dick Durbin has previously lied and made up stories about what people have said in his checkered past. Durbin called out a “Republican” who Durbin claims, supposedly said to President Obama’s face that he (the racist Repulican) “couldn’t even stand to look at him”. Turns out this event was just fiction in Durbin’s pea sized brain. The great American Durbin has also equated the members of our military to a bunch of Nazis. Makes Durbin a pretty reputable source, at least to the left

Second, Durbin is acting like a second grader in my book. “Teacher, Donald said ‘shit hole'”.  What an F’in weenie.  I can’t believe that knuckleheads like this actually make the laws in this great country.  Once again, the lefties will use anything they can to try to bring down the President.  Their favorite card to play is of course the race card.

Which bring me to point Three, Since when did the expression shit hole become a racist word? Every day, I find out that more and more of the English language is racist.  I’ve heard lots of people use the term and never once have I considered it racist. I had the director at a company I worked for, walk into my office once and say, “Lots of great ideas come out of this shit hole.” He called it that because my office has always looked like a tornado just hit. I took it as my office was “messed up“.  My boss was white and I’m of Asian ancestry, but I’ve never considered what he said as racist. I found it humorous.  It aptly described my work methodology. Now that I’ve become educated by CNN and MSNBC in Social Justice Speak, I can apply the Lefty Logic and conclude that my boss must have been saying my office looks like a black guy owns it.  That’s the only conclusion I can come to IF shit hole is a racist term deriding Haitian and African PEOPLE and doesn’t refer to “messed up” COUNTRIES with failed governments.  More fake outrage by the fake news bobble-heads. Maybe our President could have used a more accurate description. “Economically fucked up third-world cesspools which may be harboring terrorists“.  I can’t believe that all of the brain power on the left cannot distinguish between PEOPLE and FAILED STATES.  It has nothing to do with skin color.  Of course perhaps this outrage demonstrates the grand total of the left’s brain power.

All of this shit storm is base upon the unverified tattling of a known liar and hater of America, fueled by the fake outrage of the fake news mass media.  The term, even if was used, is  NOT racist.

This mock outrage by the lunatic left misses the bigger point that the President was making. And that is, why are we using a lottery to give visas and green cards to people from failed states, i.e. shit hole countries, with no regard as to whether or not the people randomly chosen benefit our country? Don’t forget we already had one of these upstanding green card holding Diversity Visa Lottery winners kill 8 and injure 11 people in New York City by running them over with a truck, thanks to the existing wonderful immigration system.  This diversity added maniac killed these people just a few months ago in October 2017, but this FACT is ignored by the fake new media.  Several more upstanding members of the Diversity Visa Lottery system have also been identified as terrorist in our country.  Ah what’s a few more Americans dead if we can import thousands of future Democrat voters and fast track them to citizenship. Cost benefit ratio if you’re a Lefty.

How about this fun fact.  In 2004 the State Department warned that the Diversity Visa Lottery poses a,  “significant threats to national security as hostile intelligence officers, criminals, and terrorists attempt to use it” to get into the US.

When it comes to stopping the Diversity Visa Lottery, I say  # METOO !!!

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