White Privilege?

President Trump was indicted in a RICO act case in Georgia. A RICO act is Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization act which is essentially a criminal conspiracy. To have a conspiracy there must be more than one party involved. 18 other people were indicted along with Donald Trump. Here’s a picture of some of the major players.

Of these, only ONE was denied bail. Which one? How about the guy on the bottom row second from the right, next to Mark Meadows.  Interestingly only the BLACK GUY was denied bail. The reason for the denial of bail was because the judge determined that he would most likely commit other felonies while on bail. Wait one. He hasn’t been convicted of the first felony however the judge KNOWS he will commit other felonies if released on bail. So other than he’s BLACK, how does he warrant a different bail result?

And the bigger question is why aren’t the “CIVIL RIGHTS” crowd screaming, rioting, and looting in protest of this RACIAL INJUSTICE?  

Why isn’t BLM of Kamala Harris coming to his defense?

Why isn’t the mainstream media playing this FACT 24/7?

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