Category Archives: Government

Stuff you may or may not know about your local, state, and federal government

How Freaking Stupid Are We?

Kalifornia voters are going to vote tomorrow on a couple of stupid propositions.  Here there are:


This is a $2.00 per pack tax on tobacco and nicotine bearing e-ciggies to help pay for “low income” healthcare.  The argument is that currently there exist a $3.5 BILLION healthcare crisis due to smoking.  Notice the initiative includes TOBACCO USE PREVENTION.  And how much more research do we need to do before we figure out if smoking is BAD for you?

The other stupid proposition is:


Prop. 64 creates a SAFE, legal system for adult USE OF MARIJUANA“.  This is the exact wording from the pro argument on the Official Kalifornia State Voter Guide.

So I guess smoking weed is safe and smoking tobacco is a multi billion dollar health hazard.  How about we take the $2.00 per pack tax money and encourage smokers to switch to SAFE weed?  That will eliminate  billion$ in healthcare according to the arguments.

Or how about this plan?  Let’s use the tobacco money to give FREE weed to smokers to solve the tobacco health crisis.  How much free weed can we give away with $3.5 Billion?

“Smokers, time to switch from tobacco to dope.  It’s FREE!  It’s part of your Obamacare healthy living plan.  Not only will you be healthier, but you can F’up your brain at the same time at no cost to you”.

Oh wow man.  Someone pass me the bong, so I can understand this.

Can you hear my head banging on my desk?

Terrorism. It’s About Solar Panels!

Regarding solar panels and renewable energy, “This is critical for dealing with the crisis of terrorism.“, said Secretary of State John Kerry after committing the US to the Paris Climate Agreement.

I didn’t realize that if we give some solar panels to ISIS that the problem of terrorism goes away.  And according to Secretary Kerry, this is SCIENCE, not some fringe Trumpian fantasy.

Sheesh and all this time I thought it was a jihad or ideological battle of the Radical Islamists against their enemy the infidels.

I wonder if the San Bernardino shooters were given bigger Federal and California state rebates on some solar panels, if 14 people would be alive today?

If only the terrorists who flew the planes into the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, and Flight 93 which was thwarted by the brave passengers, only had the educational opportunities afforded by solar panels.  Never mind the fact that some were Saudis and had free education through college and that Mohamed Atta, the ring-leader, attended THREE UNIVERSITIES.  A few more solar panels could have prevented this growing global crisis.  You know, I don’t recall  seeing solar panels on Osama Bin Laden’s compound when he was taken out by SEAL Team 6.

I think Secretary Kerry finally revealed President Obama’s strategy on fighting terrorism.

You can watch the interview with Secretary Kerry below.

Do Numbers Have Any Meaning?

Lots of people are laughing at Mr. Trump’s leaked tax return that shows he accumulated over SEVERAL YEARS about $900 million in losses. Hillybob is also one cackling about what a POOR businessman Donald Trump was and is.

Let’s look at another number. Under the wonderful economic plan set into motion by President Obama, in 2016 ALONE, just ONE YEAR, the national debt will INCREASE about $502,000,000,000. Over half a TRILLION dollar loss! I guess he’s quite the AMAZING businessman because he’s calling that loss an economic SUCCESS!

Hillybob wants to continue this most excellent economic plan and in fact expand it.

I’m not the smartest guy in the room (unlike POTUS or Hillybob), but if I lost HALF A TRILLION DOLLAR$ in just one year, I’d be ashamed and embarrassed NOT touting how successful I was.

According to the latest poll, it appears that ‘WE THE SUBJECTS‘ want MORE of this kind of great business acumen.