Category Archives: Culture


Oh no! A piece of fruit means the Klan is running wild killing people!

More members of Pussyville have gone “full retard” on yet another college campus.

What’s the hubbub? Well it turns out that an errant BANANA PEEL is some sort of symbol of WHITE SUPREMACY and the extermination of a certain racial group.

A discarded banana peel at the University of Mississippi has caused an uproar of racial tension. It sounds like a bad joke, but nope, it’s real. Students were crying (as all confident college kids do) questioning their safety.   It was so bad that Katrina Caldwell, Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Community Engagement (this is a real position) at the University of Mississippi, said her office was putting together a plan to deal with this oh so tragic situation.   Caldwell said, ““Right now, we’re just talking to people on campus who have some experience working across diversity to help the students process what happened.”   Excuse me.  You need to process this latest fear of the yellow fruit?  How about all of those great minds of higher learning, get back to their studies?

Now how and why the banana has become the latest symbol of black hatred, I have no idea.

I’m calling out the black college pussies for CULTURALLY APPROPRIATING my symbol of ASIAN RACIAL HATRED. As anyone in the Asian community know, “Banana, yellow on the outside, white on the inside“. That’s what they call RACE TRAITORS, such as myself, who don’t subscribe to the MINORITY VICTIM MENTALITY.  Whitey be keepin’ me down.  Yeah, right.  Yaw, keep your hoops and big butts, just don’t appropriate my culture’s racial slurs. Hurrumph.

Who’s The Smartest Guy In The Room?

Or perhaps the title should have been “Who’s the biggest CRETIN in the room?”

During all the devastation that was happening in Texas due to Hurricane Harvey, a panel on a business show was debating what the best money play is to profit from the disaster. This was the day after the hurricane made landfall and the first inkling of the devastation was shown.

The panel was discussing what would make a better investment play, new car sales or large used car dealerships.

Okay, I understand that investing is generally a “someone wins and someone loses” system, but this discussion about how to maximize a return as people are dying, losing their homes, trying to find shelters was a bit too disgusting for me. Three guys sitting around in suits inside of a comfy studio nonchalantly speculating on how best to capitalize on the suffering was abhorrent. Couldn’t they have had a bit of humanity and saved this discussion for a later date?

I believe that these “investors” were mostly trying to prove on national television how smart they were. First to come to the profit party. To me they only proved how worthless they are as human beings.

I remember a similar incident in the 1980s.  A volcano erupted in Columbia and buried tens of thousands of people in mud and ash. “Investors” were speculating on coffee futures because of the devastation.  Nothing like profiting on death and destruction of brown people in South America.

It’s not always about money!

I encourage anyone who is reading my musings to donate to the Red Cross or Samaritan’s Purse or to any other agency of your choosing, to help in the disaster relief.  Whatever amount you can, no matter how small or large.

Progressives, Smash Your Cellphones!

Okay, show of hands. Raise them if you believe that all references to a RACIST past should be erased from this country’s collective memory. Progressives, let me see those hands raised high!

If you are holding your hand up, use your other hand, pull out your cellphone, and smash it into the ground. This will show that you don’t want anything to do with such a symbol of a RACIST past.

Why is a cellphone a symbol of racism, you might be asking?  Let me explain.

A key component in the cellphone is the TRANSISTOR. It is what makes modern electronics possible.  Who invented the transistor? William Shockley.

William who?

Dr. William Shockley was an MIT PhD who headed up the research group at Bell Labs and his team invented the TRANSISTOR. Shockley was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work. The good doctor founded his own company Shockley Semiconductors in Palo Alto, CA and he later became a professor at Stanford University. During the 1950s and 1960s he aggressively commercialized the semiconductor business which in turn created the billionaire’s center known as SILICON VALLEY.

How is your cellphone a symbol of racism?

Later in life Dr. Shockley believed that his greatest contribution to the world was NOT the TRANSISTOR, but his work on EUGENICS.

Quoting Dr. Shockley,

My research leads me inescapably to the opinion that the major cause of the American Negro’s intellectual and social deficits is hereditary and racially genetic in origin and, thus, not remediable to a major degree by practical improvements in the environment.

Shockley advocated that anyone with an IQ of less than 100 should be STERILIZED to prevent their genes from swimming in the future gene pool.

Nice guy.  This checkered past of electronics is something those of us from the old school engineering world knew about.  I suspect the younger folks may not have been exposed to this dirty little secret.

So Progresissies, step up and smash those cellphones and get rid of that reminder of overt RACISM!

You’re willing to smash stuff other people paid for but you’re NOT going to smash your own toys?

I didn’t think you would… #I’M A PUSSY