Pure FAKE News!

This was posted on Yahoo as news, “These Are the Guns Criminals in America Love“.  You would think from the title that the article would list the firearms most often used to commit crimes.  BZZZZT, NOPE!

The story (which should be classified as fiction NOT news) comes from some ridiculous website called cheatsheet. Probably an apropos name. The author cheated (which must be a requirement to write for cheatsheet) by copying information from other websites and came up with this completely FAKE NEWS conclusion as to the guns that are most often used by criminals. But there is also a subtler message in this FAKE NEWS crap that I’ll explain later.

What the author (if you can call him that) Barri Segal did was to take a list compiled by CBS News of the most popular firearms based on LEGAL sales. He then searched if any of them were used in a crime. If any crime was committed with a firearm on the list he ranked it as “most popular with criminals to commit crimes” based on the SALES ranking to LAW ABIDING CITIZENS.  How the editors let this crap go unchecked before getting published is quite the mystery to me, unless there are no standards for reporting.  I think the latter is most likely the case.

Here’s an analogy as to what the RETARDED author did to arrive at his conclusions.

Let’s look at the ranking of the top five living presidents of the United States by popularity. The order is:

  1. Barack Obama
  2. Bill Clinton
  3. George H.W. Bush
  4. George W. Bush
  5. Jimmy Carter

Barack Obama said, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor“, which was a LIE. Every living president has somewhere along the line told a LIE.  However, we rank Barack Obama as the NUMBER ONE BIGGEST LIAR of all the living presidents, using Segal logic. Okay, maybe he actually was, but you get the point. The conclusions in the article are complete BULLSHIT.

Here’s another analogy.  It’s an oldie but goodie.  “God is love,  Love is blind.  Ray Charles is god.”  Same logic that the RETARDED author used to research his list.

The subtler message in the article is that LAW ABIDING CITIZENS are CRIMINALS based on their choice in firearms purchase. Again more BULLSHIT.  The message is that popular firearms SOLD TO LAW ABIDING CITIZENS such as AR-15s are the weapons of choice for criminals, even though they are RARELY used in crimes.  Once again, those on the left who hate the Constitution are using FAKE NEWS in these made up “studies” to push an agenda.

It astounds me that complete RETARDS can write articles which are NOT based on FACTS, and that these misleading articles are widely distributed by SUPPOSED NEWS SITES, such as Yahoo.  SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on you Yahoo!

Does no one read the crap before allowing publication of stories or does a FAKE NEWS story with a catchy social justice warrior headline guarantee publication?

I think we all know the answer to that question.

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