Breakfast of Champions, NOT!

Every Saturday my running group does a morning long run and then we all go out and have breakfast together. One morning I saw on the menu of a restaurant that we went to, an item listed as a popular dish, Avocado Toast. It was fairly expensive and the dish was to my surprise, just mashed and sliced avocado on a piece of toast. No seasonings, just avocado and toast. Well my running “friends” gave me smack for several breakfasts after that by asking if I wanted to order Avocado Toast again. As they say, “with friends like that…”

This cuisine happens to be very popular with the Millennial generation.  I’ve come to find out that this Avocado Toast thing is popular around the world with Millennials. It’s so popular in Australia that a millionaire wrote and op-ed piece that Millennials won’t be able to afford to buy a house if they waste their money on expensive coffee and, you guessed it, Avocado Toast. The author of the article was pointing out that the prices of avocados has spiked because it has become a “fashionable” food to eat, increasing the demand for the fruit.

Millennials can spend their money however they want, as far as I’m concerned. BUT…

The Millennial generation is a group that entrenched in the pseudo-science of global warming and they seem to protest anything that smells of environmental attack, such as mining coal, or creating a more business friendly environment, or pretty much any idea put forth by President Trump.

Now here’s where the IRONY is in all of this.

Avocados are primarily grown in Mexico. Now that the Millennial foodies have chosen avocados as their fashion food statement, Mexican growers have been DEFORESTING the land to plant, guess what, Avocado trees. One tree for another tree, how bad can that be?

Well it turns out that the best forest land to grow avocados in Mexico is the breeding ground of the Monarch Butterfly. The Monarch Butterfly will travel in some cases over 2000 miles to get to the breeding grounds!  So much of the forest where the Monarch Butterfly migrates to each year to reproduce, has been turned into avocado groves that scientists believe that the species may become extinct.

Good job Millennials! Your foodie fashion may WIPE OUT a SPECIES!  Show of hands Millennials, HOW MANY OF YOU CARE?

For my part, I now ask where the avocados that I buy were grown.  I buy California grown Avocados.  One good thing out of the PRK!

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