Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

Does Putin Read My Blog?

I was looking of the statistics to this blog and I noticed a few interesting things.

There was an increase in traffic from  Good folks who believe in The Second Amendment.  Hope you all enjoyed my pre and post election rants!

Interestingly there were some folks who came through “facebook” which means some people were forwarding my blog in their posts.  If you like my blog, thank you, whomever you might be.  If you were posting because you didn’t like my blog, hey thanks anyway!  A differing opinion is not a bad thing.

The most interesting statistic was that during the month of November the readers of my blog spiked up almost TEN FOLD!.  Quite a bit of the new readership came from of all place RUSSIA!  Almost half of the unique visitors were from Russia.

I’m figuring that Vladmir Putin and his staff must be reading this blog to get a handle on what those of us behind enemy lines, in the People’s Republik of Kalfornia, think!  Okay that’s the story I’m going with.

With today’s rumors of CIA leaks to the lefty press, about the Soviets meddling in the election by releasing the DNC’s and John Podesta’s incriminating emails, perhaps the Soviets were gathering additional intel from this blog.  Why else would so many Russians be interested in what’s written here?  Okay there are probably a bunch of other reasons including Ruskie hackers, but it sounds better if I say that Soviet leaders are reading my blog!

Comrade Vladimir, if you need any of my opinions, feel free to leave a comment!

What’s Good For The Goose …

The progressive left was blasting Mr. Trump for saving 1100 jobs at Carrier. Never mind that 1100 FAMILIES will be celebrating Christmas (yes, yes, that’s not PC) because they know they will be employed next year.

The criticism is that Mr. Trump and the government are picking winners and losers in the economy. Isn’t it interesting that the people who want BIG GOVERNMENT are against government helping people?

The schizophrenic left is also blasting Mr. Trump’s pick for the head of the EPA, Scott Pruitt.

I just heard a Dumbf*ckistan (Kalifornia) expert saying that Mr. Pruitt would likely eliminate Federal tax breaks that subsidize solar panels and EVs. How is it that giving subsidies for solar and EVs is NOT picking winners and losers in the energy sector?  Shouldn’t the subjects be celebrating the prospect of less intervention by BIG GOVERNMENT?

Just asking…

Mein Fuhrer, I Can Walk!

How nutty is this country and how far will the lunacy go?

Twice now I have heard people say that, “Mr. Trump will round people up and gas them to death”.

I have no idea how many gallons of the leftist Kool-aid you need to drink in order to actually believe such patently absurd nonsense.

I’m going to speculate that all the lunacy came about because the National Socialists put out a video endorsing Mr. Trump. Somehow the brainwashed left makes the leap that a fringe organization’s video endorsement somehow connects Mr. Trump to the genocide of Nazi Germany.  Point of fact, the “massive whitewashing” of America, who made the video, consists of 275 nut jobs.  They have been continuously covered by the hysterical mass media, ad naseum, in order to create this fictional story of Trumpian bigotry across our country.

Sheesh, saying Mr. Trump will gas people is as ludicrous as saying, “President Obama is a cannibal”, because people in African states, where cannibalism was once practiced, say nice things about him.  I doubt any liberals read my blog, but if you are one, don’t get your racist sniffing panties up in a bunch. I purposely made this analogy as inflammatory as possible to point out the absurdity of believing and connecting one person’s actions with another’s, via a third party’s action, without any proof of that such a connection exists.

The lunacy of the left shouldn’t surprise me, given the vitriol expressed by a large number of people after this election, but nonetheless it does.

Credit where credit is due. The title of today’s post is a line from the 1964 movie “Dr. Strangelove”.