Category Archives: Culture

It Must Be Okay To Carry A Concealed Weapon In Kalifornia!

Last Saturday night a group of 30 “yutes” looted a 7-Eleven in Huntington Beach Kalifornia. Police in an inter-agency stop, detained 80 “yutes” in a party bus and ended up arresting two perps for ‘assaulting the store clerk’.  The rest were sent on their merry way back home.

Here’s the fun part. The report states that the police found SEVEN LOADED HANDGUNS on the bus! Some party waiting to happen!

Now I can only assume that SEVEN of the “yutes” had Kalifornia Carry Permits as only two were arrested and that was for the assault.  Want to make any bets on how many actually had carry permits?

If no one had concealed carry permits, then the only alternative answer is that IT’S OKAY NOW to carry concealed in Kalifornia!  Must be a new 2017 law I didn’t know about.  Sheesh and I just heard that Kalifornia hired Ex-Atty. General Eric “I hate the second amendment” Holder to fight reciprocal carry permits with other states, as one of his tasks.

It used to be that a loaded weapon in a vehicle without a carry permit was illegal. The law HAD been the weapon needed to be UNLOADED and stored in a separate compartment of the vehicle or in a locked container.  Looks like that law, just like prostitution by minors (read my previous post HERE) has been rescinded, in this most compassionate state.  We wouldn’t want any victimized young people arrested for breaking laws.  That wouldn’t be very compassionate.

It begs the age old question, why do we keep putting NEW GUN LAWS on the books when no one give a “Frick” about the ones that already exist?

I guess if you’re a disadvantaged “yute”, you can do whatever you want.

May I join the victim class, so I can do whatever the hell I want?  Once again, can you hear my head banging on my desk?

If you’re wondering what a “yute” is:

How Much For The Little Girl? *

We legalized more than weed here in the MOST PROGRESSIVE and COMPASSIONATE state.

I heard about this new Kalifornia law, SB 1322, on Bill O’Rielly’s show, “The O’Reilly Factor”, just tonight.

Child prostitution has been decriminalized in the ‘Great State’ of The People’s Republik of Kalifornication. Yet one more, most excellent ‘progressive‘ law signed by Gov. Moonbeam last year, which took effect on Jan 1, 2017.  Happy new year!

Here’s part of the legislative summary provided by the state:

SB 1322, Mitchell. Commercial sex acts: minors.
Existing law makes it a crime to solicit or engage in any act of prostitution. Existing law makes it a crime to loiter in any public place with the intent to commit prostitution.  This bill would make the above provisions inapplicable to a child under 18 years of age who is alleged to have engaged in conduct that would, if committed by an adult, violate the above provisions.

You can read the bill HERE.

Show of hands.  How many think legalizing (or decriminalizing if you so prefer) child prostitution is a good idea?

The left swinging news media is up in arms because a Republican State Representative, who by the way voted against the law, wrote an op-ed piece saying Kalifornication politicians legalized child prostitution.  Technically, yes, they didn’t “legalize” child prostitution.  They just “decriminalized” the act of prostitution if committed by a minor.  How fine can you split a hair?

Here’s what’s sad. It’s illegal for a minor to work a full-time job but a minor can sell their body with no consequences.  Under the law police cannot even interfere with the child’s “business” activity unless there is an immediate health risk to the child.

I guess this is part of the plan to help integrate young people, especially runaways and abused children, into the work force. I suspect they can make more than the “Feel the Bern” Sanders’ $15.00 per hour minimum wage.

Once more “Oh my“.

* The title come from a line in the movie “The Blues Brothers”. You can watch the clip HERE.

Was It Done On Purpose?

I just watched short timer Secretary of State John “Swift boat hero” Kerry blathering for an hour on why the United States took the Chicken-doo-doo stance of abstaining on the U.N. vote to condemn Israel’s settlements. To me, if “our” country is FOR condemning Israeli settlements, then the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. should have been instructed to vote “YES” in favor of the resolution. The passive aggressive “ABSTAIN” vote is still a YES vote, but the administration can say they didn’t vote “for” it, which is total bovine excrement.

During the speech SOMETHING BOTHERED ME to no end and it wasn’t just his blathering.  Take a close look at the picture above.

Okay, what was annoying was the PLACEMENT of the FLAGS behind the podium that John “toss my medals” Kerry was standing behind. They placed the “Department of State” flag to the “medal tosser’s” right  side and the United States flag to his left (on the right from the viewer’s point of view). That is AGAINST the LAW (Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 7, paragraph k, of the United States Code) which states that The United States Flag MUST ALWAYS be displayed to the speaker’s RIGHT (left side of the stage from the viewer’s point of view).

Here’s the governing paragraph of the United States Code.

When used on a speaker’s platform, the flag, if displayed flat, should be displayed above and behind the speaker. When displayed from a staff in a church or public auditorium, the flag of the United States of America should hold the position of superior prominence, in advance of the audience, and in the position of honor at the clergyman’s or speaker’s right as he faces the audience. Any other flag so displayed should be placed on the left of the clergyman or speaker or to the right of the audience.

The way they were displayed INDICATES that the “Department of State” has a SUPERIOR higher authority than the United States of America!

With all of the “qualified” staff and lawyers, why couldn’t they display OUR FLAG in the lawfully correct and respectful manner? I learned about the flag in The Boy Scouts of America and in elementary school, back when kids were taught to have pride and respect our country. We were not taught to take a knee.

I believe the placement of the flags was purposely setup by some smart-ass weenie in the State Department to reinforce the notion of the “great power” of the department. Hey they just screwed the only democracy in the Middle East and they didn’t even buy them dinner.