Do The “Smart” Senators Understand What They’re Saying?

Yesterday, during the Senate questioning of Judge Amy Coney Barrett (ACB), Sheldon Whitehouse the Dimbulbcrat blowhard senator from Rhode Island went through a lengthy diatribe about the Janus decision. The Janus decision overturned a previous decision known as Aboob, and is now the law of the land.  The Janus decision prevents unions from coercing money from non-union workers, if the union believed the non-union worker benefited from a collective bargaining agreement. Basically the previous decision (Aboob) set a precedence that allowed the unions to extort money from non-union workers.

The discussion was interesting because of the point that Whitehouse (WH) alluded to. He set the “basic standard way” of how court cases should originate.  The discussion went as follows:

WH: “Ordinarilly it begins with a person, right?
ACB: “Correct
WH: “And that person feels and injury?
ACB: “Yes
WH: “And that person goes to a lawyer?
ACB: “Yes
WH: “And that lawyer goes on their behalf to court…
ACB: “And files a complaint
WH: “And files a complaint, and then in court they try to win and vindicate their injury.  That’s the basic standard way that this works.”
ACB: “Yes
WH: “So it gets a little WEIRD sometimes and that’s the circumstance I’d like to bring up to you…

Whitehouse goes on to tell the saga of Janus wending its way to the Supreme Court.

WH: “And from everything I can see, they (the lawyers) actually went out and found a plaintiff. So back to our earlier discussion, it wasn’t an injured person who hired a lawyer, it was a legal group that found a plaintiff

The dimbulb senator was pointing out the strange circumstances of the origination of this case and he went on to say that this was because of “dark money” funding the union busting case.

I wonder if Whitehouse cleared this position with his “trial lawyer” friends that support him?

Some of the monetarily largest case are Class Action lawsuits. In almost all Class Actions the lawyers actively SOLICIT to find plaintiffs to make up a class. You can see these solicitation on almost every broadcast channel. “Have you suffered cancer from using baby powder?“, ” Do you have Mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos?“, “Have you been molested while in the Boy Scouts?“, just to name a few. Hollyweird made a couple of movie, “Erin Brokovich” and “The Rainmaker” that glorified the practice of solicitation to obtain plaintiffs. Exactly what Dimbulb Whitehouse said is “WEIRD“.

What Whiteshouse deems as “WEIRD” is directly on point to the line of questions directed to Judge Barrett by the Dimbulbs on Roe v. Wade during this confirmation charade, Roe v. Wade was a group of lawyers who, once again wait for it, FOUND THEIR PLAINTIFF to bring the case to court. Again according to Whitehouse, this is “WEIRD” and shouldn’t have been allowed.  Hmm, what an odd position for a baby killer to take.

You can listen to the bizarre line of questioning HERE, if you want to torture yourself listening to a blowhard spewing legal mumbo jumbo.

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