3D Printed Parts And Free Speech

UPDATED 8/1/2018  You can download all the scary files   HERE

UPDATED 7/31/2018.  First Amendment Right TRAMPLED.  I’m removing the link to the files.


Yesterday, 8 states decided to sue the Trump Administration for allowing Defense Distributed to resume publishing online files to produce 3D printed firearms parts. What they seek to do is not clear to me, other than to violate the First Amendment Right to free speech and expression.

Here are the 8 FOOLISH states:

  • Washington
  • Massachusetts
  • Connecticut
  • New Jersey
  • Pennsylvania
  • Oregon
  • Maryland
  • New York
  • District of Columbia

Once again the deep blue coastal states want to claim the moral high ground on what IDEAS AND INFORMATION you as a CITIZEN should be able to have access to.  It just astounds me that F’ing high paid LAWYERS and politicians CANNOT understand the law or the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION!

The “agreement” that the Administration came to with Defense Distributed is that they could RESUME publishing of the files. They had been prohibited from publishing the files because the Obama Justice Department “believed” that the ONLINE publication “might” reach ANOTHER country and this exchange of intellectual property might fall under International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) restrictions.  NOTICE the word INTERNATIONAL.  ITAR restrictions DO NOT apply to the exchange of information INSIDE of THE UNITED STATES.

The Trump DOJ determined that the publication of the files DOES NOT VIOLATE ITAR RESTRICTIONS which is why they settled their grievance with Defense Distributed. It was NEVER prohibited for UNITED STATES CITIZENS to access the files. Defense Distributed had previously stopped online distribution only because they could not guarantee that the files would not be downloaded by an ITAR restricted state.

Now with that background, the current lawsuit by the 8 FOOLISH STATES is an attempt to stifle UNITED STATES CITIZENS from viewing material that has NEVER been considered in any way ILLEGAL. Normally you can discuss thoughts and technology in a free exchange. You could if you wanted to talk about the technology to produced a nuclear weapon without any restriction.

Once again, YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS are targeted by the LEFTISTS. Maybe the LEFTIST politicians should pass legislation for “Prohibiting Only Objectionable Personal Interchange and Expression” or POOPIE.  Then the SELF ORDAINED HIGH COUNCIL OF MORALITY could PINCH A LOAF on any thoughts or ideas that they deem as “objectionable”.

Fuck free speech if it’s not, correct speech!“, is their motto.

Okay, now to say “Fuck you” to the left.  You can click on the link to download a copy of the FILE that had caused all the uproar, HERE.

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