I Left My Brain In San Francisco…

Frisco needs a new worldwide marketing plan. “Welcome Terrorists! Come to the City by the Bay and plot your attacks against the Great Satan!”

If you haven’t read the latest from the PRK, Friscoites have decided to stop working with the federal Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in the latest tantrum against President Trump. Their argument is that Muslims and Arabs are unfairly targeted by the JTTF.  Sheesh, get over it.  Hillybob lost.

Well let’s look at a couple of factoids. Hezbollah sets up rocket launchers near and IN hospitals, school yards, and homes to blend in, making it harder for Israel to find them after they launch their rockets across the border. In almost every conflict in the Middle East, the bad guys use the cover of civilians during the fighting. Shooting from within a crowd of unarmed people was a very common tactic in Iraq. And how many non-Arabs and non-Muslims were using these tactics?  In France and Belgium almost ALL the terrorist come from Islamic enclaves within the city.  Now tell me again why it’s bad to focus on a particular group.  It’s not a needle in a haystack problem. It’s finding a particular piece of hay in a haystack.

How many “innocent” locals were giving up the bad guys? Thankfully there were some that helped root out the terrorists. Most stayed silent because the terrorists, well they terrorize the locals into keeping quiet.

Of course terrorists would live peacefully in the La-la-land socialist utopia of inclusive and progressive Frisco, where everyone is happy and loving all the time. Friscoites are so inclusive and loving in Oakland, “The Crime Capital of The San Francisco Bay Area”,  that the berg is always listed among the top “Most Dangerous Cities in the United States”.  A nice result when you don’t want  law enforcement to “offend” anyone.

Heck why don’t we let the terrorists set up training camps in some of the abandoned buildings in Oakland?  They would probably do a nice job renovating them with some “Death to the Great Satan” street murals.  And they would provide a great multi-cultural learning experience to the kids.  I bet the gang members would love to learn bomb making techniques.

Oh well…

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