You’re Still Too Stupid

A few minutes ago I listened to Mrs. Clinton give a press briefing about the “bombings” in New York and New Jersey that happened on Saturday.

In an earlier post I pointed out that the Clintons believe you are so very stupid. Click HERE to read that post.

In the earlier post I pointed out that she said to beware of “anyone who says, ‘I alone’…”. This morning right at the beginning of the press briefing she said essentially the same thing. In reference to fighting terrorism she just said, “I am the ONLY candidate…”.

There is no difference between what Mr. Trump said and what she just said.  What she believes is that you are too stupid to notice that both statements are equivalent BOASTING and nothing more.  She also assumes that you are so stupid that you will have forgotten what she said just a few weeks ago.

We’ll let the boasting go for now.  Here’s another interesting bunch of bovine excrement that erupted from her maw.  Hillybob answered a question on how she would deal with terrorist possibly entering our country through visas and immigration.  She stated, “I have long been an advocate of ‘tough’ vetting“.  What in the hot place, is “tough vetting“?

Hmmm, Mr. Trump has been saying for some time that he believes we need to have “EXTREME” vetting to weed out possible terrorists from entering our country through visas and immigration. Hillybob has never before mentioned any change in the vetting process before today.  Just what is “tough” vetting and how is that different than what Mr. Trump said?  Why don’t those stupid “reporters” ask these kinds of questions?

Sounds to me that she is taking a play out of the Trump playbook because her plan is flopping around on the deck like a fish about to go into the ice box.

I guess in her mind TOUGH vetting is an ‘oh so much awesomer plan’ than EXTREME vetting, because “she is the only candidate” who could come up with it.  Yeah right.

Let’s see if we can figure out just what “tough vetting” really means  She gave us some clues.  Later in her speech she implied that the “tools” are already in place to weed out terrorists.  Looks like “tough vetting” is a plan to just continue on with the current ‘floppy fish’ plan on vetting but to give it a more Trumpian name!

I’ll say it again, “How stupid does she think we are?”

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