You can buy the presidency of the United States for $100,000. According to the Libbys on the Left the Russians meddled with the election to promote Donald Trump to the presidency rather than the anointed one Hillybob.
The latest hubub that congress is touting as to the HUGE extent of Russian meddling is $100,000 spent on Facebook ads by “fake” accounts supposedly linked to the Kremlin. How many ads were placed? About 3000 according to the New York Times.
Now I don’t know about you, but Madison Avenue needs to take some writing and advertising lessons from the Ruskies. For a paltry amount of advertising money, they bought the White House! Those crafty Kremlinites somehow managed to parlay that $100,000 of ads into a victory for Donald Trump. In comparison, Hillybob spent around $1,200,000,000, well over a BILLION dollar$, for her losing campaign. The Democrat party spent $30,000,000, thirty million dollar$, for John Ossoff’s losing bid for a congressional seat in the special election this past June. So again by comparison, the Ruskies spent 0.001%, or about one thousandth of one percent of the Hillybob campaign to win the presidency of the United States! Looking at it another way, EACH of those 3000 ads affected the minds of over 50,000 people. That is one heck of a result in the advertising world!
Stay tuned to the news. Congress is supposedly going to reveal to the public these highly effective ads on November 1, 2017. Advertisers should be clamoring to put together new product campaigns based on these techniques devised the the Soviets.
I’ll post an update with the ads when they are revealed.

But be forewarned, the ads may be like Medusa of Greek mythology, but instead of turning to stone, once you see the ads you will be forever turned into a Trump supporter. They must be that powerful if 3000 ads can make half the country vote for Donald Trump!