Bad Asians

The typical stereotype when someone says “Asian” is smart, quiet, hardworking, and introverted. I was surprised to hear that in the United Kingdom there are roving ASIAN RAPE GANGS as reported by the press across the pond. They prey on young girls, mostly aged between 12 and 17. They are described as “grooming” gangs who befriend and then rape and sexually abuse the girls to “groom” them for the child sex trafficking business. Very heinous.

Here’s ONE F’ed up part. Take a look at some of the perps involved in these “Asian gangs“.

Do they look like your typical Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, or Korean math geniuses?

These “Asian” gang members are Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, Iranian, Iraqi, Kurdish, Turkish, Albanian and Eastern European.

What do they have in common? They are almost ALL MUSLIMS.
The UK press and the leadership DO NOT want to call them MUSLIM RAPE GANG members because they don’t want to offend a protected class. Hence they are Asian rape gang members because most of them are from Pakistan.

Here’s ANOTHER F’ed up part. Anyone ever heard of Tommy Robinson?

Tommy Robinson was imprisoned because he was reporting on the TRIAL and CONVICTION of these Muslim rape gang members. He had the audacity to call them Muslim rape gang members. Mr. Robinson was at first arrested, tried, and released on probation for his reporting. He was ordered by the court to stop reporting on “Muslim” gangs.  He “violated” his probation by standing on a public sidewalk outside the courtroom as he live streamed the perps entering the building. Here’s an example of the efficiency of the UK legal system when they have it in for someone. Robinson was ARRESTED for the probation violation, TRIED for contempt of court, CONVICTED, SENTENCED, and IMPRISONED in LESS THAN FIVE HOURS! Talk about a speedy trial.

And here’s a THIRD F’ed up part. Robinson was assigned to a prison with a large Muslim population. UK officials had no concern for his safety after his conviction for “violating the rules of free speech”.  He was beaten while in prison.  Feces were constantly thrown into his cell by passing inmates.

And here’s a FOURTH F’ed up part. The UK press was requested NOT to cover the Tommy Robinson case and the press COMPLIED. If it wasn’t for local activists and international commentators, the story would have had no coverage in the UK or anywhere else in the world.  The mainstream media here in the US did not cover this story either.

Anyone else wonder where things are headed?

On A Lighter Note

British “scientists” say that they have solved the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. The solution? 100 foot rogue waves claim the “scientists”.

Let’s look at how deadly and mysterious the Bermuda Triangle truly is.

According to the article, which you can read HERE, the Bermuda Triangle has “… claimed over 1,000 lives in the last 100 years”. That’s an astonishing 10 lives lost per year. The Triangle covers 700,000 square kilometers.

Once again we always should put things into perspective.

The Lower 48 states of the United States covers 9.834 million square kilometers. That’s 14 times the size of the Bermuda Triangle. It would be an equal mystery if 140 people went missing every year in the United States (14 times the number lost in the Triangle).

How many people go missing in the United States each year? 651,135 people were reported as missing in 2017. That number is consistent with many previous years where just under 700,000 people are reported as missing, EVERY YEAR.

Hmmm, 700,000 is a slightly bigger than 140 last time I checked. Why is no one trying to solve the mystery of the United States?  Are there 100 foot Prairie Rogue Waves scooping up the unsuspecting in Kansas?  I’m waiting for the mass hysteria media to blame all the missing people on President Trump.

The biggest mystery is HOW are these “scientist” funded to perform pseudo-science? Don’t we have more important scientific mysteries to answer, such as, “Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle?”

Our Country Is Under Attack

UPDATE 08-02-2018:  Amazon Web Services was the host for and Bezos’s minions are responsible for shutting it down.  Jeff Bezos apparently isn’t a defender of FREE SPEECH.  The wealthiest man in the world doesn’t give a crap about your rights.

UPDATE:  It appears the link to that was hosting the scary files has disappeared.  I will update again if the site reappears.  

We have met the enemy and he is us” – Pogo

Two days ago I wrote about the loony left’s desire to trample the Constitution over there fear of plastic firearms. I had linked to a “file” of  a parametric model of Defense Distributed’s “Liberator” single shot zip gun.  Last night I removed the link.

The following is my layman’s description of a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo as to what’s going on and why I removed the link in my previous post.

Publication of this file as I pointed out was prohibited because it was deemed as violating International Trade in Arms Restrictions (ITAR). For the United States within ITAR is a list of restricted items pertaining to defense and space technology defined by the United States Munitions List (USML). The Obama administration had started revising the USML in 2013 because it has grown out of control and has always been considered overly broad and not very well defined. In my previous job I wasted many many hours and many many dollars maintaining ITAR compliance because of this poorly defined list. Communications (conversations and emails) with a foreign national can fall under ITAR restrictions.  I had to be cognizant of ITAR restrictions even if I was just spit-balling ideas with a non-US citizen.  The Trump administration finished in May 2018 this revision and clarification of the USML, that the Obama Administration started.

The revised USML removed the restrictions on items such as the “files” that Defense Distributed published. Hence the settlement to the lawsuit brought on by Defense Distributed against prohibition to publish by the United States Department of State.

Last night, US District Judge Robert Lasnik of Seattle WA issued a TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER (TRO) against the removal of 3D printed firearms “files” from the USML. You can read the TRO HERE.  If you read the restraining order it’s filed AGAINST the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE. It is not against Defense Distributed. This means that the prohibition to publish is a nationwide restraining order and not specific to Defense Distributed.  Within this TRO the 8 states suing the Trump Administration are arguing that the country will suffer “irreparable harm” to WORLD AND NATIONAL SECURITY if the restrictions on publishing the “files” are removed from the USML.

It’s interesting that the argument to obtain the TRO is that these “files” for a plastic zip gun will cause worldwide calamity and that the noble 8 states are protecting the safety of the world.  There is ONE “oh by the way” SENTENCE that removing the restriction from the USML might have “negative impacts on a state level“.  Thus far, the 8 states who self proclaim as holders of morality for we lowly citizens and the rest of the world, have danced at the edge of dismantling the First Amendment using the USML to do their dirty work.

Here’s another little bit of legal mumbo jumbo.  The TRO states that prohibiting the removal of the restrictions on the “files”, “… shall preserve the status quo ex ante...”.  What “status quo ex ante” implies is that nothing changes but this evaluation of “no change” is a prediction base on, wait for it, NO evidence.

Okay so what does all this mean?  The transfer of the “technical data” contained in the “files” temporarily remains part of the USML.  A hearing on the TRO is scheduled for Aug. 10, 2018.  Right now it is illegal to allow the export of these “files” to foreign countries.  That is why I removed the link.  I cannot guarantee ITAR compliance.  I don’t have the resources to fight the government if they decided to prosecute me for an ITAR violation.

Now for some predictions.  Defense Distributed has stated that they intend to continue the fight for the right to distribute “ideas” all the way to the Supreme Court of The United States, if necessary.  I believe they will prevail.  The next step, which right now is only a small step, is for the loony left to argue that ideas that they don’t like should be prevented by the force of law.  This is when you can kiss the FIRST AMENDMENT goodbye.

The loons are using the USML to skirt around directly saying, “Lowly US Citizens have no right to exchange any thoughts or ideas we disagree with“.  The left keeps saying that conservatives are FASCISTS, but what they are hoping for is a FASCIST STATE that they control.  “Wrong thinkers, to the GULAG!

We are at a tipping point in our country.  The left wants to destroy the Constitution and remake the United States into their idea of a communist utopia.  I have never seen anything even close to this in my lifetime.  With the rise of socialism (as witnessed by the rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) in the youth of America and the mainstream media (as witnessed by Joy Behar defending socialism on national television), and the trampling of the Constitution by the elder elites (as witnessed by the political leaders of the 8 states attempting to stifle the free exchange of ideas), it’s starting to look like a real possibility that the United States will morph into yet another failed communist state.

Welcome to the new world order comrade.

I need to leave anyone who reads this with a little present.  You can go HERE and still find all the scary files.  F’ you leftists!

Ramblings of a maker