I Can’t Hear It

After the President Trump’s State of The Union speech last night I heard on the communist’s news channels that parts of the speech were yet again a “racist dog whistle“.   Technically, a person cannot hear a dog whistle. How is it that only RACISTS hear the dog whistle?

Okay, in the vernacular of Low Intelligence News Reporters (LINRs), “dog whistle” appears to translate into a “coded message” to RACISTS, which cannot be interpreted by the enlightened class of dumbocrats.

Back the F’ing truck up a few feet. If it’s a coded message that only RACISTS can understand, how are the LINRs able to understand the message? Are they also RACISTS? I would conclude that they must be de facto RACISTS!

Maybe we can back the F’ing truck up a few more feet. Perhaps there’s a SECRET code book for RACISTS that they use to translate the President’s speech. I can’t find the ISBN for “The Racist’s Codebook”, but I’ve compiled a list of terms that the LINRs and dumbocrats appear to use when listening to anything that the President says.

  • “Wall” = “I hate brown people”
  • “MS-13” = “I hate nice brown boys riding bicycles”
  • “Law and order” = “I hate black people”
  • “MAGA” = “I hate black people”
  • “National Anthem” = I hate black people”
  • “Capitalism” = “I hate brown and black people”
  • “Terrorist” = “I hate Muslims”
  • “Constitution” = “Only for white people”
  • “Taxes” = “Not for rich white people”
  • “Pro Life” = “I hate women”
  • “Innocent” = “I don’t believe women”
  • “Nationalism” = “I am Hitler”

I hope this helps…

Let Me Get This Straight

New York Governor Andrew “Blowhard” Cuomo, is blaming President Trump’s sweeping FEDERAL TAX REFORM for his state’s $2.3 BILLION deficit.

Wait one. How does this happen?

Let’s see, the FEDERAL TAX REFORM is for FEDERAL taxes. How does that reduce New York STATE TAX dollars collected?

Near as I can tell looking at their tax laws, FEDERAL TAX REFORM DOESN’T reduce the STATE’S ability to collect taxes. In fact my reading is that it should INCREASE STATE TAXES collected because those who itemize deduction have fewer ways of adjusting their gross income downwards for STATE TAX calculations.

Why does the FEDERAL TAX REFORM lower STATE TAX collection?

New York State has by far the HIGHEST STATE TAX burden in the nation. These ENORMOUS STATE TAXES were fully deductible to reduce FEDERAL TAX liability.  There is now a cap of $10,000 of State and Local Taxes {SALT) as a deduction on FEDERAL INCOME TAX.  Before the FEDERAL TAX REFORM ACT taxpayers in all the other 49 states were SUBSIDIZING NEW YORK TAXES!  You can read my analysis of why limiting the SALT is FAIR to the nation HERE.  Now who does the limits on SALT affect the most?  That would be the folks in the UPPER INCOME brackets.

Seems that those in the UPPER INCOME brackets that PAY MOST OF THE TAXES are opting to leave New York state now that the GIGANTIC STATE TAX LIABILITIES are no longer SUBSIDIZED by TAXPAYERS who don’t live in New York.

Even “Blowhard” Cuomo recognizes some of the problem. He was quoted as saying, “This is the flip side. Tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich. The rich leave, and now what do you do?”

The Dumbocrat platform of the GREEN NEW DEAL is all for more of “TAX THE RICH“.  Lizzy “Pocahontas” Warren wants a FEDERAL 90% marginal tax rate on “the wealthy”. Alexandria “Occasional-Cortex” Ocasio-Cortez is stumping for a 75% tax rate. We can see what happens in the real world when you tax the heck out of people. The money is pulled off the table before it gets into play.

This is why many of the big “American” companies pay their taxes in Ireland. The FEDERAL TAX REFORM ACT allowed some of this money to return to the US soil. If we get a Dumbocrat controlled government in 2020 and they repeal the tax reform act as they have promised, expect earnings to return to Irish soil.

You’ll never get me Lucky Charms!

I Do Not Have A Crystal Ball, But…

In my last post on Jan 21, 2019, “Turtles all the way down“, I pointed out that stupid young parents have been opting out of vaccinating their children because of a DEBUNKED study which linked some vaccines with autism.

On Jan, 25, 2019 the governor of Washington State, issued an “State of Emergency” proclamation for all counties in the state because of a measles outbreak. You can read the proclamation HERE.  Measles is a preventable disease, so what caused the “State of Emergency“?

It’s because stupid young parents have opted out of vaccinating their children!

More and more turtles…

Ramblings of a maker