It’s Because Policies Affect Them

The debate goes on about lowering the voting age to 16 even though the measure went down in flames. Nancy Pelosi has lost what few marbles she may have left in her cranium and continues advocating for lowering the voting age to 16 to “capture” young voters.

One of the big arguments that I keep hearing for lowering the voting age is that 16 year olds are AFFECTED by policy decisions and THAT IS WHY they should be allowed to vote.

Beep, beep, beep. Back the F’ing truck up.

Governor “Black face” Northam of Virginia signed into STATE LAW that a baby born alive after a botched abortion can be killed outside of the womb.

Now applying “progressive’s” LOGIC, that POLICY decision by the Virginia legislature and the “Black face” Northam affects the LIFE of the newborn child, THEREFORE we need to grant voting rights at the MOMENT OF BIRTH.

Quod erat demonstrandum

Every Vote Counts

The Fake Indian, The Fake Mexican, Spartacus, and The Bern are advocating to eliminate the Electoral College which was created by our founding fathers in the Constitution. The progressive reasoning is that every vote should count and if it wasn’t for the Electoral College, the anointed one, Hillybob would have been elevated to Supreme Ruler, err I mean president.

On a side note, if Hillybob was the most qualified person ever to run for president, why don’t the Dims run her again? If she had become president, she would be the incumbent that the Republican would have to unseat in 2020

Back to every vote counts. Here in the People’s Republik of Kalifornia if you are a CONSERVATIVE, your vote hasn’t counted for more than 30 years. And since the PRK is a winner take all state, it’s been advantage Dims for 3 decades.

The 2020 electoral college votes will go to whomever the Dim next anoint as their savior.  No sign of change for this election or ever in the future.

BUT there may be an opportunity for PRK CONSERVATIVES to at least have some FUN in who the next Dimbub candidate might be!

The PRK in all it’s wisdom has semi-open primaries. The party must declare no less than 135 days before an election whether or not the party’s primary will be open or closed. Open means anyone regardless of party affiliation can vote in a party’s primary. Closed means that only registered party member can vote in the primary. And here’s where CONSERVATIVES MIGHT GET A CHANCE to have a bit of FUN.

If the Dims declare that the primary is OPEN then CONSERVATIVES should cast their votes for the SECOND BEST DIMBULB CANDIDATE.  If every CONSERVATIVE bands together to vote for the same second place loser, we may be able to push the WEAKER DIMBULB CANDIDATE over the TOP!

My vote may count!  Woohoo!!!

Ramblings of a maker