How Loony Can They Get?

Bernie Sanders has proven once again that he is a lunatic.

Here’s what he BELIEVES regarding felons’ right to vote.

In my state, what we do is separate. You’re paying a price, you committed a crime, you’re in jail. That’s bad, But you’re still living in American society and you have a right to vote. I believe in that, yes, I do.

Hey Bern, how about this then?

If you BELIEVE that convicted FELONS can be trusted to make  wise, moral, and informed decisions as to the direction of our country, why don’t you also grant them their SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS?  You BELIEVE that they are moral, cognizant, and capable of making decisions that affect the whole country, therefore they should be responsible enough to handle a firearm while in prison.  Right Bernie?

Okay we know you DON’T want anyone to have firearms.  How about this idea?

Once again since you BELIEVE that they can make WISE and MORAL decisions as CONVICTED FELONS, how about getting rid of prisons completely and just have them sign a piece of paper promising that they will be good? By Bernie logic they are fully capable of making WISE and MORAL decisions that are optimal for our country and communities therefore we should be able to trust them to make WISE and MORAL decisions as they roam freely among us. Right Bernie?

What a fucking FOOL.

And I thought My Obummercare was Shitty

Former Senator Harry Reid sued the maker of Therabands which he blamed for injuries to his eye.  The lawsuit was for “unspecified damages”, which you can infer, because he had a team of lawyers, was for MILLION$ OF DOLLAR$.  Cha-ching!

Oops.  Today the verdict came in and he lost the lawsuit.

Reid claimed to have incurred more than $238,000 in medical costs because of his injuries, lawyer Colin Esgro, another of Reid’s attorneys, told the newspaper“.

Back the F’ing truck up!

Senators DON’T pay for their medical coverage.  Senators don’t have to buy Obummercare complant insurance. They voted in their own “Cadillac” FULL COVERAGE plans for themselves when they passed Obummercare. Their medical plans are exempt from the Obummercare regulations. And WE THE TAXPAYERS pay for all of their medical coverage including coverage in retirement.

Someone ‘splain to me how Harry Reid amassed “MORE THAN A  QUARTER MILLION DOLLAR$ of medical cost, when he’s NEVER had to pay a dime?

Frickin’ lying gold digging politician.

Perhaps I’m being too harsh and he was suing on the behalf of the WE the US Taxpayers because we taxpayers have picked up the tab on his medical expenses.  Obviously, he was intending to turn over the settlement to the United States Treasury.

Nah, I’m sticking with F’ing lying gold digging politician.

Signs of Assimilation?

There is a news story that House Representative Ilhan Omar, you know the one who hates Jews, illegally used campaign funds to pay for her divorce lawyer. Omar is an immigrant from Somalia and a declared Muslim.

I’ll confess that I know little of what the Quran/Koran has to say about marriage and divorce, however I was a bit surprised, ignorant racist (even though Muslim isn’t a race) that I am, to hear the the 37 year old was using a divorce attorney to end her marriage.

Once again because I’m a numbers guy I looked up what the divorce rate is within the Muslim community.

For Muslims in the United States, the DIVORCE RATE IS 50%. This is the same as with the general population of the US. The statistic is according the website which is a non-profit that states they provide “guidance to Muslim Western families on daily living“.

Looks like Muslim men and women can’t get along with each other just like the rest of America!

MAGA, baby.

Ramblings of a maker