Not Flying Very High

Anyone else notice something different about the protests in Londinistan against President Trump?
The balloon isn’t flying over the “huge” group of protesters. The balloon is dragged through the crowd by the “Trump babysitters” as they call themselves. Why is this?


Once again if you follow the RANTINGS of the loony leftists who want to get rid of fossil fuels, a world without HELIUM will be one of the results. Why is this?

HELIUM is produced as a byproduct of NATURAL GAS PROCESSING. Almost all HELIUM is produced from NATURAL GAS processing plants.  HELIUM must be constantly produced because it is one of the most difficult substance to store.  HELIUM leaks out of or boils off from any containment vessel that it is stored in.

So who cares if you can’t fly the Trump balloon or have festive birthday parties?

Once again, SHORT-SIGHTED “greenies new dealers” neglect that HELIUM is used in SUPERCONDUCTORS inside of useless technology such as MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI) machines. It’s also used in physics research for PARTICLE ACCELERATORS for you “Big Bang” TV show fans. HELIUM is used in research to hopefully develop FUSION ENERGY which has the potential to become the ULTIMATE CLEAN ENERGY SOURCE.

I suppose if we don’t care about diagnosing and possibly CURING CANCER and creating TRUE CLEAN ENERGY we can get rid of all those pesky fossil fuel producing plants that make all the HELIUM.

Thank you Congressman Occasional-Cortex  for your brilliance in demanding the elimination of fossil fuel production.  Of course since you are the LEADING SCIENCE EXPERT you obviously know how to CURE CANCER in a world without HELIUM, before the world ends in 12 years, as part of your “deal”.

School Resource Officer Arrested

Former law enforcement officer Scot Peterson was arrested on June 4, 2019 for failing to enter the building of Parkland FL’s Stoneman Douglas High School during the shooting, on Feb. 14, 2018.

When I heard this I was surprised of his arrest. Coward County officer Peterson was armed, supposedly trained, and stationed at the school to intercede in an event such as the shooting. My own feelings are that he should be held accountable for not rushing in to try and stop the shooting.

But what should he be held accountable for?

I wrote about the responsibility of the police to an individual’s protection HERE.

To reiterate, the police DO NOT have any responsibility for an individual’s protection.

Here’s my prediction of what will transpire.

Coward Peterson will most likely be dragged through the legal system but will eventually be released because he did not have a LEGAL responsibility for doing anything. As bad as this is, the only way to fix the issue is for the Florida legislature to codify that school resource officers MUST intercede in a violent situation in all circumstances. This will be a very hard law to define and in the end, if such a law is passed, it will probably be found UNCONSTITUTIONAL due to prior Supreme Court precedence.

No matter what anyone says, the ONLY ONE responsible for your protection is YOURSELF.  If you choose to give up any of your rights for self protection, for any reason, you’ve made you own choice for NO PROTECTION.

You No Play-a The Game, You No Make-a The Rules

You No Play-a The Game, You No Make-a The Rules“, the famous words from former Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz describing his view of the Pope’s stance on birth control.

Interestingly many if not ALL of the dumbocrat presidential candidates have the same view as good old Earl Butz when it comes to abortion. The candidates wrap this concept up in flowery speech, but fundamentally  they all believe that only the pregnant woman can rationally decide the fate of the unborn child.  Never mind that an unplanned conception was probably not a rational choice.

Mayor Alfred E. Newman Buttigieg during the town hall last night said this about late term abortion including infanticide, “I think the dialogue has gotten so caught up on where to draw the line, that we’ve gotten away from the fundamental question of who gets to draw the line. And I trust women to draw the line when it’s their own health.

Um, Alfred, how about we use some of that there Rhodes Scholarly logic to another situations of terminating human life.

Using your learned, smoothly delivered view on choice, why don’t we let MURDERERS define what is MURDER. Most of the population hasn’t killed anyone but murderers have. MURDERERS would be uniquely qualified to determine what is and is not murder by your logic. A murderer should also be trusted to “draw the line when it comes to whom they kill or don’t kill.  Cue raucous supporters’ applause.

Wonderful plan, Alfred.

Ramblings of a maker