Moron After Moron Wants To Be The President

The Clinton News Network CNN is holding a “townhall” on climate change with all the Dimbulb bozos running for president. When I tuned in, Moron Fake Mexican, Beta-male O’Rourke was blathering on about how we KNOW that “hurricanes are increasing in frequency and strength” due to “our excesses“.  He droned that we must immediately adopt HIS PLAN to rid the US of carbon output in order to save the nation from the onslaught of ever increasing number and strength hurricanes.  He waved his arms and said that his climate plan would be the first thing he would do as our next El Presidente (see I too can do fake Mexican).

Oh, and he says he speaks to “The Scientists” which is what gives him the authority to preach to all of us on the subject.

MORON POLITICIANS such as Beta must speak with MORON SCIENTISTS.

Here are the FACTS about hurricanes frequency and strength from 1851 to 2004 by decade.

This information is from The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. You can read it HERE.

Umm, if you look at the NOAA SCIENTIFIC DATA hurricanes have been less frequent and less powerful in recent decades. The DATA show that the most FREQUENT and POWERFUL hurricanes happened from 1941-1950. 10 MAJOR HURRICANES and 24 TOTAL HURRICANES. Let’s crack open the history books. The presidents in that decade were Roosevelt and Truman, both DEMOCRATS. Apparently they didn’t sign the Paris Climate Accord or the Kyoto thingie. President Trump was born in 1946 so it MUST HAVE BEEN HIS FAULT.

The trend seems to be HURRICANES are decreasing in frequency and strength according to SCIENTIFIC DATA.

NOAA is currently states, “NOAA predicts near-normal 2019 Atlantic hurricane season” as of May 23, 2019. You can read their prediction HERE.

Does NORMAL back up the MORONS including Beta and the rest of the clowns screaming “Scientists say hurricanes will be more frequent and stronger”?

I don’t talk to MORON SCIENTISTS like Beta. It did take a lot of digging to come up with these FACTS. It took me all of 5 seconds to find this information.

Free = Bondage

I listened to Magatte Wade, an entrepreneur from Senegal, Africa, speaking about how to end poverty.  You can listen to her speech at a Ted Talks HERE.

She says that in order to end Africa from existing as the most poverty stricken region of the world, GOVERNMENTS need to GET OUT OF THE WAY. She states that the only way create a more prosperous region is, “We need greater economic freedom“. Words of great wisdom.  Someone tell Bernie Sanders and the rest of the socialists.

Many would argue that corruption is the root cause. Wade says that “Corruption is the natural consequence of stupid senseless idiot laws“. And that, “The way to eliminate corruption is to simplify“. It’s hard to argue against what she has to say.

The young socialists here in the United States should listen to what Magatte Wade has to say. Big government controlling the means of production (true socialism) or regulating all industries will inevitably create poverty as it has in Africa.

Magatte also argues against FREE good and wealth redistribution. As an example in her village she is very critical of a US shoe company which has a program of buy one pair of shoes and the company will give away a pair of shoes in a “needy” country. Why is supplying shoes to poor regions counterproductive? Wade says that local shoemakers have gone out of business because they cannot compete against FREE. She said that there were 29 local shoe manufacturers in her small village each of which employed about 15 people.  435 employed making shoes.  Those businesses cannot compete against a supplier who gives away products for free hence they end up going out of business.

Free stuff as it turns out is not a way out from poverty.

Out of curiosity I wondered where the FREE shoes are made. Just like most shoe companies, the shoes are made in China and Vietnam.  Hmm, US consumers buying products made in China which inadvertently crushes small businesses in Africa.  People’s hearts can be in the right place but without looking at all the consequences, their actions may end up hurting instead of helping.

Once again the young socialists should consider that all the FREE STUFF and wealth redistribution that they seek will lead to a life of BONDAGE in POVERTY.

Same Old WRONG Information

Sadly a lunatic killed 7 peopl in a senseless murder spree in Texas, yesterday.

Once again the MORONIC “journalists” such as Joyless Reid and all the Dimbulbcrat presidential candidates are all screaming, “We need to pass more gun controls laws!“. They keep spreading the same tired old arguments that because the United States allows CITIZENS to possess firearms that everyone is afraid to venture out onto the streets.

As I’ve pointed out before, allowing CITIZENS to possess firearms, as allowed by the Second Amendment, does not make the United States unsafe. So let’s look at the latest numbers compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC.

Our neighbors just South of the border in Mexico have a HOMICIDE rate of 24.8 people intentionally murdered per 100,000. There is NO PRIVATE FIREARMS OWNERSHIP in Mexico.

Let’s look a little further South to Venezuela, the shining stat of SOCIALISM as pointed out by Bernie Sanders and many HOLLYWEIRD ELITES such as Naomi Klein, Sean Penn, and Danny Glover. The HOMICIDE rate is 45.1 people intentionally murdered per 100,000.  There is NO PRIVATE FIREARMS OWNERSHIP in Venezuela.

Obviously using Libtard logic the United States with the plethora of firearms in the hands of average Joe Sixpack SHOULD have a sky high HOMICIDE RATE, right?

Here’s the frightening number: 5.3 murdered per 100,000

Oh my goodness! Take cover!  Obviously a country without firearms is much safer even if the data doesn’t show that.  As Joe Biden says, “We choose TRUTH over FACTS“.

The Libtards would say that this is an unfair comparison because Mexico and Venezuela are NOT on the same developed country status as the US. I guess they are saying that because they are full of stupid brown people who run wild in the streets, it’s not a fair comparison. Hmmm, does that seem maybe a little bit RACIST?

You can look up the UNODC numbers for yourself at,

Ramblings of a maker