Medicare for All, Single Payer, Public Option

All of the Dim candidates are throwing around different plans to “fix” healthcare.  Interestingly they are tacitly admitting that healthcare was destroyed by Obummercare and now needs to be “fixed”.

What are these different (loonie tune) plans?

Medicare for All” pushed by communist Bernie and capital-communist Pocahontas means that the “gummint” will take over and run all healthcare eliminating private insurance. All of the burden of healthcare will be paid for by you the TAXPAYER. Whether you believe the Bern or Lie-awatha as far as the costs for “Medicare for All“, there isn’t enough money to pay for the plan without huge tax increases on the middle-class taxpayer.  The costs estimates for “Medicare for All” vary between $3 TRILLION to over $5 TRILLION PER YEAR.  To put these number in perspective, the total taxes taken in by the Federal Government in 2018 was $3.6 TRILLION.  The taxes taken in were not enough to pay for Federal budget.  There is almost HALF A TRILLION DOLLAR$ of uncovered spending EACH YEAR.  We can’t pay for the budget as it exists today and the Dimbulb plan wants to more than double what the government spends.  Bernie admits that taxes will go up on the middle-class.

Single Payer” healthcare is just another name for “Medicare for All“.  The single payer is once again the “gummint”.

Public Option” for health care that Ukraine Joe and Alfred E. Newman-Buttigieg expound as the “smart” way to fix Obummercare, is just a stepping stone toMedicare for All“. It’s a plan where you can “opt-in” or in some cases “forced into” a government run insurance plan that competes with private insurance. Think about this for a moment. A government insurance program can hemorrhage money and undercut any private insurance company because the government can just pass the losses onto you the TAXPAYER. How many businesses can compete against a company (the government) that always loses money? The “Public Option” is designed to bankrupt private insurance companies on the backs of the TAXPAYERS.  What’s left after all private insurance is bankrupted?  Oh gee, “Medicare for All“.

No matter which Dim plan you look at, it’s alwaysMedicare-for-All‘ in the end. Some candidates just plan to achieve it sooner than the others.

Bigger Government Will Fix Big Government

Joe “I’ll say anything to get elected” Biden has this interesting statement on his website:

The Biden Plan will:
Stand up to the abuse of power by polluters who disproportionately harm communities of color and low-income communities.
The Biden Administration will take action against fossil fuel companies and other polluters who put profit over people and knowingly harm our environment and poison our communities’ air, land, and water, or conceal information regarding potential environmental and health risks.
The Biden plan will ensure that communities across the country from Flint, Michigan to Harlan, Kentucky to the New Hampshire Seacoast have access to clean, safe drinking water.”

You can read his moronic platform HERE.

Um, hey Crazy Uncle Joe, back the F’ing truck up a wee bit.

Let’s take stock of the things to caused the Flint, Michigan water problems, that you so proudly HIGHLIGHT ON YOUR WEBSITE.

The Flint GOVERNMENT CHOSE to STOP PURCHASING water from the City of Detroit and source and process the city’s water from the Flint River as a COST SAVINGS measure in 2014. The water originally purchased from Detroit was treated by the city of Detroit and they used a SULFATE based chemical coagulant to remove organic material. The Flint Government decided to use a lower cost CHLORIDE based chemical coagulant for organic material removal in their COST SAVINGS treatment plant. It turns out the the CHLORIDE base chemicals THOUGH LESS EXPENSIVE, leach LEAD from the distribution pipes OWNED by the GOVERNMENT.

After it was determined that the drinking water was contaminated with LEAD, the Flint GOVERNMENT considered switching back to purchasing water from Detroit but ultimately THE GOVERNMENT CHOSE NOT TO SWITCH BACK because it would COST MORE MONEY. Eventually state and Federal (your tax dollars) monies were used to replace the LEAD pipes in the distribution system to fix the problem CAUSED BY A GOVERNMENT CHOICE.

It gets better.  At least NINE STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT officials have had charges brought against them for COVERING UP the spike in LEAD POISONING of CHILDREN in Flint, Michigan.  Hmm, GOVERNMENT COVERING FOR GOVERNMENT.

What EVIL RACIST CORPORATION harmed the “communities of color and low-income communities“, in Flint, Michisgan? Which “fossil fuel companies and other polluters who put profit over people” caused the Flint water crisis?

Oh wait, it was a wise and informed GOVERNMENT decision that PUT COST SAVINGS OVER HEALTH and then COVERED IT UP.


Toot toot! Did they think this through?

Someone changed the “Whistleblower” statute to allow HEARSAY as evidence for an accusation. The change to “hearsay is good enough” seems suspiciously timed to allow for some swampy character to accuse the President of maleficence. Be that as is may, did those who amended the statute think what the consequences of their actions means in the broader scope?

If one only requires HEARSAY to file a complaint within government and government CONTRACTING, what prevents ANYONE from filing a complaint against a COMPETITOR?

Let’s examine a scenario.

Any employee of Spacely Sprockets which has a second source contract to Cogwell’s Cogs, supplying the government with cogs, can file a complaint against the Cogwell’s Cogs for ANYTHING. The employee of Spacely Sprockets may allege that Cogwell’s Cogs is using substandard materials in the cogs supplied in their government contract. It will take weeks, months, even years to investigate the ALLEGED maleficence of Cogswell’s Cogs. In the meantime Spacely Sprockets will supply all the cogs while Cogwell’s Cogs is under investigationBONUS for Business!


The employee of Spacely Sprockets who filed the complaint is completely protected from ANY LIABILITY!

“Whistleblowers” are protected by LAW to anonymity. Even if the identity of the “whisteblower” were discovered he would still be protected from liability because HEARSAY testimony is not considered EVIDENCE is a court of law. The “whistleblower” need only say “That’s what I BELIEVED that I heard”. The relieves him of any liability.

Ain’t the new law wonderful?

Ramblings of a maker