The New Monarch

I thought Crazy Nancy Pelosi completely lost her marbles this morning after announcing that the impeachment of President Trump is a go.

She blathered on speaking as a faux originalist, that the founders feared a MONARCH taking over the Republic. It was her wording of the speech this morning that points to the new reality for our country.

Today, I ask our chairman to proceed with articles of impeachment.

Crazy Nancy just lorded over her party’s committee, directing them to write up articles of impeachment. What’s notable is she DID NOT SAY, “The Judiciary committee has determined that WE need to proceed with the drafting of articles of impeachment.”  Jerry Nadler didn’t even conclude the Judiciary committee’s investigation.  Nancy simply ORDERED them to create the articles of impeachment.

There was no wording of “WE determine …”, only “I (order) …“.

Now we know who the REAL MONARCH is in this country.

Crazy Nancy.

Pelosi ORDAINED herself judge, jury, and executioner of the President, this morning.

There was no publicly viewable discussion. Crazy Nancy, in less than 12 hours after the SINGLE day of testimony in front of the Judiciary committee, “unequivocally” determined the guilt of President Trump and is now sentencing him to removal from office.

Today is very dark day for our country.

One person saying, “I’m giving the order to remove the President“.

Interestingly, she then only needs to order the removal of Vice President Pence and by the order of succession, CRAZY NANCY becomes President.

Who do you think is acting as the MONARCH?

President Guilty of Breaking Law From 1666

I tried watching some of the House Judiciary CHARADE but it’s almost exciting as watching paint peel off of a wall. It reminds me of a lousy student debate team with each side trying to score points. The exception is that there is only one side. The Remove The Bad Orange Man side.

One of the “experts” on impeachment, Pammie Karlan of Stanford Law School, expounded that the framers of the Constitution based their vision of impeachment on case law from 1600’s England. Precedent from over 100 years before the founding of the United States. Wow.  I’m glad Pammie has the glowing crystal ball that lets her channel into the mind of long dead white guys.

The case she cited was the impeachment of John Mordaunt in the year 1666. That begs the question of who the “F” is John Mordaunt?

Okay, here’s some history.

Statue of Lord Mordaunt, All Saints Church, Fulham

John Mordaunt was titled 1st Viscount Mordaunt. Viscount Mordaunt (born 1626, died 1675) lived during the English Civil War (1642-1651) and was a “Royalist” aka “Cavaliers” as he supported King Charles II for the governance of England. The enemy of the Royalists were the “Parliamentarians” aka “Roundheads” who wanted Parliament to govern England. FYI the Parliamentarians won the civil war and exiled the King. The good Viscount Mordaunt led several unsuccessful uprisings against Parliament and fled multiple times to France to avoid capture and prosecution.

What does an English lord from the mid 1600’s have to do with the impeachment of President Trump? Good question for those still hanging in there reading all of this, we’re almost there.

The Viscount Mordaunt was appointed by the King as Constable of Windsor Castle. Probably equivalent to the position head of the FBI here in the US. Finally, here’s where the impeachment comes in as channeled by Prof Pammie for justification to impeach President Trump.

According to Prof Pammie, Viscount Mordaunt was impeached by the House of Commons for imprisoning William Taylor, Surveyor of Windsor Castle, for the high crime as Pammie says, “abuse of his power for personal gain“. The high crime wasn’t a statutory crime as Prof Pammie points out, just like The Orange Man and Ukraine. There you go. Perfect reason for impeaching the Evil Orange Man.

Case closed. Slam dunk.  Checkmate.  “Peach 45”!

Once again, BACK THE F’ING TRUCK UP a few yards there Prof Pammie and all the Dimbulbcrats.

Viscount Mordaunt was NOT ONLY charged for the “high crime” of using his office for personal gain, but also for RAPING William Taylor’s DAUGHTER. And that is a CRIME.

You need to LEAVE OUT A FEW PESKY DETAILS such as RAPE, if you’re a progressive trying to overturn an ELECTION.

A National Security Matter?

For the past few weeks I’ve been hearing the Dimbulbcrats and the fake news screaming that the slow walking of aid to Ukraine is an impeachable offense because it endangers OUR national security.

Once again, these morons need to back the F’ing truck up a few yards.

When Russia annexed Crimea (a part of Ukraine at the time) in 2014 what did the Obama administration provide to Ukraine in response to this “US national security crisis“? The answer is nothing.  Eventually the Obama administration provided NON-LETHAL AID to Ukraine.  “Pillows and sheets”, perfect for holding the Ruskies in check.

When did the United States first provide LETHAL AID to the Ukrainians? That would be in 2017 under the Trump administration.

The first lethal deliveries came from Trump,” said Jim Townsend, deputy assistant secretary of defense for European and NATO Policy during the Obama administration.

Let’s review.  The Obama administration NEVER sent lethal aid to Ukraine and that was NOT a national security issue.

When the Trump administration slow walks for a couple of months, but DOES DELIVER an aid package to Ukraine, this is an impeachable offense because it’s somehow a hyper important national security issue.

Makes perfect sense to me, how about you?


Ramblings of a maker