The New Progressive Hobo Plan


All of the Dimbulbs are pushing for more railroads across the nation. The loony barmaid AOC wants more railroads. Crazy Uncle Joe Biden, self professed centrist, is also (pun ahead) onboard.   Uncle Joe on his website touts that this will be a major push by his administration when he becomes king, err, president.  Crazy Uncle Joe wants to put more money into the FAILED Kalifornia high-speed rail project to waste BILLION$ of taxpayer money. It should only take a $100 BILLION to finish the train to nowhere. Taxing Bill Gates and Warren Buffet will easily pay for that. Between the two of them they have about $100 BILLION in net worth. Wealth redistribution, baby!

Along with the railroad expansion is a push for high density, low income housing. The People’s Republik of Kalifornia has SB 50 which is attempting to waive zoning laws, allowing wealthy investors to build high density housing near “major transit centers”. A “major transit center” is defined in the bill interestingly as a “rail transit station“. Once again on a national level, Crazy Uncle Joe is onboard with the idea of high density housing near his choo-choo trains.

So what do trains and high density housing near the railroad tracks have to do with a NEW PROGRESSIVE HOBO PLAN?

During the Great Depression of the 1930s there were a large number of working men known as HOBOS.  They traveled by “hopping trains” that is stowing away illegally on a trains in order to travel between cities to find work.  They lived packed in camps known as HOBO JUNGLES near RAIL STOPS.

When the Progressive Commies which includes Crazy Uncle Joe, ruin the economy of the US and we all tail spin into the NEXT GREAT DEPRESSION, we’ll once again have the railroads and the hobo jungle life to look forward to.

I’ll leave you with a tune “Boxcar Willie” as you look forward to the romance of riding the rails.

Perhaps Crazy Nancy Is Craftier Than I Realized

In my previous post I postulated that Crazy Nancy may postpone handing over the Articles of Impeachment until after the February primaries in order to allow the Comrade Bernie, Pocahontas, Spartacus, and Salad Lady to remain on the campaign trail. However, Nancy is making noises that she may walk the letters over next week.

Perhaps this is more strategic than I initially suspected.

Let’s look at a few of facts. Crazy Uncle Joe Biden, like Hillybob has been pre-ordained by the Establishment Dimbulbcrats-in-charge as the next president. Uncle Joe keeps tripping over himself every time he opens his mouth. Uncle Joe is falling in the polls as the preferred candidate.

By releasing the Articles next week, as I mentioned in my previous post, the 4 loony senators will be tied up in the Impeachment trial in the senate and will not be able to campaign. This give Crazy Uncle Joe the ability to saturate the early primary states with his silly stories, WITHOUT any direct PUSHBACK from the other leading candidates. Currently the Comrade and Pocahontas have been giving Uncle Joe crap about his voting for the Iraq war. If they’re forced to sit in the Senate chamber arguing over rules of conduct and witness lists, listening to testimony, asking questions, and voting to remove the President, how much crap could they give to Uncle Joe?


Crafty as a fox Nancy my be strategically releasing the Articles to help prop up the flailing ORDAINED ONE on the campaign trail. If Uncle Joe can’t garner enough votes to win the nomination outright the only option will be a brokered convention. Nancy doesn’t want the Dimbulbcrat National Convention to end up as a brokered convention where the “super delegates” will end up picking Uncle Joe as the nominee and once again shafting the Bernie contingent. She knows that will cause a civil war in the Dimbulbcrat party and perhaps fracturing the party into two separate parties, the Progressive Dimbulbcrat and the  Establishment Dimbulbcrat parties.  A fractured party will guarantee a Trump victory in 2020.

Interesting times ahead.

Impeachment Delay Theory

Why is Crazy Nancy Pelosi holding off on delivering the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate? I kept hearing that the House needed to hustle to pass the Articles of Impeachment because if President Trump stayed even one minute longer in the White House, that would constitute an “Imminent existential threat to Democracy“. Crazy Nancy went so far as to say President Trump is an “impostor” as our President, as there must be no doubt in her mind that Hillybob is the true President of The United States.

Back to the original question as to why Crazy Nancy is holding up the Articles. She keeps explaining along with the “fake news” media that the Senate must establish the “rules for a fair trial” before she’ll hand over the parchment.

I propose another theory.

Crazy Nancy may be holding off on handing over CONTROL of the impeachment process to Senator McConnell because of the upcoming Dimbulbcrat primaries next month. If she were to hand the Articles over to Moscow Mitch he could hold the trial before and through the biggest part of the Dimbulbs’ primary season. Why is this a problem? Senator McConnell could force, Wacky Comrade Bernie, Pocahontas, Spartacus, and Salad Lady, who are all sitting senators to attend the trial and effectively take them off of the campaign trail. Crazy Nancy may realize that leaves Sleazy Uncle Joe Biden in the best possible position for campaigning as several of the other front runners would be sidelined in Washington DC.

If the sitting senators decide to skip the trial and instead continue to campaign, they will implicitly be saying they don’t are about impeaching the President, That not only removes the senators from any impeachment vote but it also demonstrates to the public that this ENTIRE impeachment WAS and IS a SHAM.  Perhaps Crazy Nancy is really Crazy as a Fox.

We’ll have to wait and see if Crazy as a Fox Nancy hands over the Articles of Impeachment after the Dimbulbcrat primaries.

Ramblings of a maker