Does Biden Think Before He Says Sh*t?

Crazy Uncle Joe said this a couple of days ago, “If I’m your president, here’s what I would do. … Right now there are 800,000 people who are eligible for home and community care through Medicaid who have already signed up for it. But they’re waiting for a phone call, phone call back. For some the wait is FIVE YEARSFIVE YEARS! My plan makes a bold investment so states can clear the waiting list.

Um, if we know the wait is “FIVE YEARS” (and Crazy Joe emphasized this point), that means this problem is at a minimum “FIVE YEARS” OLD, most likely more than that. Let’s see who was in office “FIVE” or MORE YEARS AGO? Donald Trump? No, he’s only been in office for 3 and a half years. Hmmm, who could it be? Oh yeah, President Obama and his sidekick Crazy Uncle Joe Biden.

Obviously Uncle Joe knew about this more than “FIVE YEAR” old problem during his tenure as the self professed guy who did all of the hard work for President Obama.

Why didn’t he fix this during his watch?  Why didn’t Joe Empathy care about “clearing the waiting list” before he took his retirement package and Secret Service security detail, as he walked out of the White House?  It’s pretty asinine to tell us how you’re now going spend our tax dollars to fix a problem that you should have fixed during your “EIGHT YEARS” in office,

Does Crazy Uncle Joe think about this shit before he says it?

You Don’t Need To Steal If You’re Hungry

Alexandria Occasional Cortex says that the rising crime rate is because poor people are hungry, “Maybe this has to do with the fact that people aren’t paying their rent & are scared to pay their rent & so they go out & they need to feed their child & they don’t have money so… they feel like they either need to shoplift some bread or go hungry.”  She goes on to say that, “Republicans are all upset that I’m connecting the dots between poverty and crime. I know most of them haven’t experienced or seen these issues first hand, but I have. This may be hard for them to admit, but poverty and crime are highly linked, both violent & nonviolent alike.”

Occasional Cortex is a member of Crazy Uncle Joe Biden’s  BRAIN TRUST.  I assume that Occasional Cortex and Crazy Uncle Joe came up with this wonderful solution to solve the hunger issue that is causing crime in this country.

What Are The Rules?

There were two ‘interesting’ articles today online, almost back to back.

The first one was about the backlash to the movie version of “Hamilton”. The creator of the show cast BLACK actors to ‘play’ WHITE characters, to demonstrate how ‘woke’ (stupid) he is to his intended audience. Oops, turns out Hamilton at one time was a slave trader, ergo systemically racist and can never be redeemed.

The second article was about the BLACK actress Halle Berry suffering backlash because she announced that she was going to ‘play’ the role of a TRANSGENDER man. The Social Justice Warriors (SJW) condemned her online to the point she announced her new found awareness that as a heterosexual she is not allowed to  ‘play’ the role of a transgender.  Berry said, “I am grateful for the guidance and critical conversation over the past few days and I will continue to listen, educate and learn from this mistake“.

A black man can play a white man. Got it. A heterosexual cannot play a transgender. What? I’m confused.  What are the rules?

The ‘job’ of an actor WAS to portray someone they are not.  Seems kind of obvious, however with the culturally aware mob’s unwritten rules it is not obvious.

Why didn’t the offended mob condemn Charlize Theron for her portrayal of Aileen Wuornos, a prostitute and serial killer of seven men. Shouldn’t only serial killers or at least a prostitute ‘play’ the role of a prostitute/serial killer according to SJW rules? I’m assuming here that Theron was never a prostitute, but I could be wrong.  Instead the intelligentsia awarded Theron with the Academy Award for Best Actress, the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Drama, and the FAG Award.

And what about Sean Connery when he ‘played’ the role of a British spy (he’s Scottish), ‘playing’ the undercover role of a Japanese fisherman, in the movie “You Only Live Twice”? Or does two ‘play’ acting parts make the job a double negative, which is a positive?

Or all the SJW types just making up this BOVINE EXCREMENT OUTRAGE?

Why hasn’t the cancel culture mob run American actor Robert Downey Jr. out of town after he ‘played’ the role of an Australian WHITE MAN ‘playing’ the role of a BLACK MAN.  Once again the intelligentsia nominated Downey  for an Academy Award, BAFTA Award, Golden Globe, and a Screen Actors Guild Award.

Just like my previous post, THEY’RE ALL F’ING MORONS.

Ramblings of a maker