Will Anyone Grieve For These Children?

This just happened this morning in Baltimore MD. Apparently a gas leak caused an explosion that leveled five houses. The reporting is that people, including children are trapped in the rubble.

If someone wants to pour money into a fight against disparity, how about this idea? Instead of giving BILLIONS of dollars to the Marxist god Blim, how about funding a program to inspect AND correct hazardous living conditions in poor neighborhoods? You rarely hear of a gas explosion in the wealthy suburbs. How about using some of Blim’s money to put in gas leak detectors in these row houses? For that matter install fire and carbon monoxide detectors as well. They can all be tied together into either a new or existing wireless “Internet of Things”, IoT, network. Emergency and repair crews can be dispatched to remedy problems before there is such widespread damage and loss of life.

But it’s easier for Nike et al to write a check to Blim than to actually do something that will help others.

This Is True Leadership?

I must NOT know what LEADERSHIP means.

Kate Bedingfield, Crazy Uncle Joe’s Deputy Campaign manager, the number two in charge, said that during this pandemic, Uncle Joe, unlike President Trump, showed TRUE LEADERSHIP during this crisis.

Let’s review.

Did Crazy Joe stop travel from China to the US at the end of January to stop the infected people from bringing in the virus? NO, but he did criticize President Trump that the closure was an unnecessary as well as racist and xenophobic policy.

Did Crazy Joe contract charter flights to get US Citizens around the world safely back to our country?  Once again, NO.

Did Crazy Joe quarantine all of the above returning citizens at US military bases staffed with the best doctors and staff, to prevent the further spread of the virus?  Once again NO.

Did Crazy Joe stop travel from Europe and the UK to slow the virus?, Once again, NO.

Did Crazy Joe force major corporations to build ventilators to save lives? Once again, NO.

Did Crazy Joe negotiate with Russia to obtain protective equipment? Once again, NO.

Did Crazy Joe order the military to build and staff emergency hospitals around the country to deal with the possibility of overrun hospitals? Once again, NO.

Did Crazy Joe order the hospital ships MERCY and COMFORT to Los Angeles and New York in case of overrun hospitals. Once again, NO.

Did Crazy Joe order the US Navy to accelerate the preparation of the USNS Comfort and get her deployed in weeks instead of months? Once again, NO.

Did Crazy Joe order the US Navy to retrofit the USNS Comfort’s ventilation systems to enable her to handle COVID patients? Once again, NO.

Did Crazy Joe ask all citizens in the US to shutdown all activities in order to “flatten the curve”? Once again, NO.

Did Crazy Joe, get drug manufacturers, large and small, to work on a vaccine? Once again, NO.

Did Crazy Joe put in place a plan an prepare to distribute hundreds of millions of doses of a vaccine? Once again, NO.

Did Crazy Joe rebuild the National stockpile of ventilators, drugs, and protective equipment that the Obama/Biden administration let get depleted? Once again, NO.

Did Crazy Joe create a factory inside the US to make generic drugs and remove our dependency on China for our drugs? Once again, NO.

Did Crazy Joe, ever put sanctions on China for their unconscionable behavior? Once again, NO.  To be fair his son Hunter walked away with A BILLION DOLLARS for his investment firm from the Chinese.

What LEADERSHIP has Crazy Uncle Joe demonstrated during this pandemic?  According to Kate, Uncle Joe demonstrated TRUE LEADERSHIP because he, “wore a mask and practiced social distancing“.

Come on man“, those two things are some big accomplishments.

What Is The Cost?

This morning as I was preparing breakfast, I was thinking about changes that have happened because of the Chinese virus.

More and more foods are packaged in plastic and foam plastic to protect us from the virus. My bagels which I used to buy in bulk and place in a paper bag are now individually packaged in plastic bags with a twist tie. Before the virus, I put my bagels in a reusable container and recycled the paper bag. Now because the thin plastic bags used to “protect” my bagels are not recyclable, they just go into the landfill. Plastic bags are made from those “evil fossil fuels” that the Climate Nazis want to ban. What is the “carbon footprint” of using more and more non-recyclable bags?

The same problem arises at the grocery store checkout. Earlier in the pandemic it was illegal to bring in your own reusable shopping bags because of FEAR of spreading the virus.  Now if you bring in your own bags no one in the store is allowed to touch them and you must bag everything on your own. I don’t mind doing that but when I have a lot of groceries it can slow the checkout down as the workers aren’t allowed by law to help. I noticed that almost no one brings their own bags into the store and more of those evil non-recyclable bags are used.  Again, what is the “carbon footprint”?

At a restaurant no sit down dining is allowed, at least in this “woke” state of Kalifonia. Take out is the only way to get restaurant food. And what is that food packaged in? Styrofoam containers  which are about the most environmentally unfriendly of plastics and non-recyclable plastic bags,. Styrofoam is not allowed into the recycle stream here in the most “woke” of states. At a small restaurant I patronize the owner has stacks of cases of Styrofoam containers as all of his orders are now takeout only.  Once again more and more “evil fossils fuels” converted into plastics that end up in the landfill.  You guessed it, what is the “carbon footprint”?

According to Crazy Uncle Joe Biden and his cohorts we’re all dead in less than 9 years because of the “EXISTENTIAL THREAT from the  “carbon footprint” of the United States that is causing ALL of the global warming.

Why is it I don’t hear one peep from all the Green New Dealer Climate Nazis about the how we are accelerating the destruction of the world because of pandemic fears?   Where is our savior, the learned Alexandra Occasional Cortex, in this dire time of need?  Why is she not speaking out?

Or is the more important “EXISTENTIAL” problem to cause MISERY, FEAR, and PANIC in order to get President Trump out of office?

Ramblings of a maker