China Wants You To Have Something

And he causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,“, Revelation 13:16, New American Standard Bible

We need to further harmonize policies and standards and establish ‘fast tracks’ to facilitate the orderly flow of people,” Chinese President Xi Jinping on using QR codes to open up international travel. You can read the BBC article HERE.

Using your phone, you can scan the barcode (in the picture) that you’ll be given.

Every Woman In Kalifornia Is A Whore, According To Officials

The new edict from our overlords here in the People’s Republik of Kalifornia, just deemed all women as having low moral values and all men as rapists.  The overlords must protect we subjects, who are ignorant and immoral, from ourselves.  Thank you oh wise and benevolent ones.

The Department of Public Health’s new mandate for a forced curfew between the hours of 10pm and 5am are designed to preserve the chastity of all women here in Sodom and Gomorrah.

The mandate states that, “In particular, activities conducted during 10:00pm to 5:00am … have a higher likelihood of leading to reduced inhibition …”  You can read the ‘justification’ for the lockdown HERE.

Our overlords know, based on “THE SCIENCE“, that EVERYONE who is outside of their home between the hours of 10pm and 5am will LOSE ALL SELF CONTROL.  Women will become drunk off their collective asses, eagerly spread their legs, with men obliging their carnal desires. This is all based on “THE SCIENCE” as we know all Democrat overlords “follow THE SCIENCE“.

I’m Not A Lawyer and I Don’t Play One On TV

I just read the new “GUIDANCE” for mask wearing here in the People’s Republik of Kalifornia. Finding the “GUIDANCE” is a bit of a truffle hunt.

I started on the official PRK china virus site,

A search for “GUIDANCE” on MASK wearing give four results, none of which links to the “GUIDANCE“.

At the bottom of the page, I clicked on the link to the PRK Dept. of Public Health and again started looking for the “GUIDANCE” on mask wearing. Towards the bottom of the page is a link to “updated guidance” about masks. I clicked on that link and it connects to a PDF document, “GUIDANCE FOR THE USE OF FACE COVERINGS“, dated June 18, 2020, revised on June 29, 2020. On the top of the document is a note that this document is “... superseded by updated guidance released on Nov. 16, 2020“. Hmm, how can a document revised last in June have a note dated in November? I guess Gov. Gruesome has the power to see many months into the future. Be that as it may, the note in the document links to more “updated guidance“. Finally it took me to a page with what I believe is the latest “GUIDANCE” on mask wearing here in the PRK.  Not very easy to find information.  You can read the CRAP HERE.

In the “GUIDANCE” it says, “This updated GUIDANCE MANDATES that a face covering is required at all times when outside of the home, with some exceptions.” That is one interesting sentence.

GUIDANCE MANDATES“. I’m not a lawyer nor do I play one on TV, but “GUIDANCE” is provided as clarification to a law, policy, or rule. “GUIDANCE” in most circumstances cannot “MANDATE” anything. “GUIDANCE” doesn’t have the force and effect of law. A duly passed law, policy, or rule ( the latter two, derived from a law) does. Gov. Gruesome could have signed an executive order mandating his “MASK LAWS” and that would have the force of law behind it. Government officials and the media are STATING that this GUIDANCE” is LAW.

On the Federal level, “Agencies may clarify existing obligations through non binding guidance documents, …” This Executive order was passed to prevent non-elected government employees from issuing “GUIDANCE” as law which has been done here in the PRK.

How was the “GUIDANCELAW created”?  The mystery and intrigue deepens.

Sandra Shewry, appears to have authored the “GUIDANCE LAWSandra Shewry, who is the “Acting” Director of the California Dept. of Public Health (CDPH) apparently has the power to singlehandedly WRITE LAWS in the PRK.  Who is Sandra Shewry?  She is still the Vice President of the California Health Care Foundation, on leave to “Act” as the CDPH director.  She has a bachelor’s degree in “community studies“, whatever the fuck that is, and a master’s in “public health and social welfare“, again whatever the fuck that is.  She IS NOT A SCIENTIST.  She IS NOT A PHYSICIAN.  She IS NOT AN ELECTED OFFICIAL.  She IS NOT A LAWYER.  She appears to be A SOCIAL WORKER.

This ONE person has MANDATED that ALL PRK SUBJECTS must wear masks.  Apparently any DIPSHIT government employee can write laws for all of us puny mortals.

I suspect that Gov. Gruesome and his team of lawyers tacitly approve of this psuedo law, written by a social worker, as “GUIDANCELAW, because the Constitutionality of an executive order as law would most likely be challenged.

Normally I have some humorous quip, but all I can say regarding the rules of this SCAMDEMIC, is that they’re all FUCKED UP!

Ramblings of a maker