#I’m A P*SSY

After witnessing throngs the college kids (and even law students) crying, primal screaming, hugging therapy dogs, and getting counseling after the election, I decided to help them out and organize a movement.

It will be known as the:

Progressive United Socialist State Youth (PUSSY) movement.

They can show they belong to the movement by wearing the OFFICIAL MOVEMENT T-SHIRT which proudly displays the slogan “#I’m a PUSSY” on the front and the Official PUSSY acronym on the back.

Of course they will be non-threatening pink with baby blue lettering. There will be a nice frilly lace fringe on the bottom to attach your “Safe Zone” safety pins.

They will be available in three ASEXUAL (since most crybaby male followers don’t have any stones and the rest are plumbing identity challenged) SIZES of NORMAL, Just as NORMAL, and You’re So Special NORMAL. Even those who are gravitationally challenged will feel included. No body shaming if you’re a soda swilling fattie when you wear one of these babies.  Some people are more NORMAL in size than others,  but everyone’s always NORMAL!


“Don’t let the racists, sexists, bigots, and xenophobes marginalize you.  You’ll feel empowered like Che Guevara leading the Cuban Revolution when you wear the OFFICIAL T-SHIRT.”

There will be an ACTIVIST arm of the PUSSY MOVEMENT which will fight to make sure there are no microaggressions with gender identity.  It will be known as:

Democratically Involved College Kids (DICK).  #I’m A DICK

All proceeds of PUSSY and DICK WEAR as well as any donations to the movement will go to advancing the ideals of the PUSSY movement and activities of DICK, or just like the Clintons did with their foundation monies, into my pocket.

Just as there was a “Last Stand of White Racists” movement (as reported by the paragon of unbiased media, MSNBC) that elected Mr. Trump, the PUSSY Movement will arise and bring The Anointed One, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, as well as politically correct justice, triumphantly back to the throne of power in this country.

Join the movement.   Primal scream to the world, “I’m a PUSSY!”

People Smarter Than Me Need To Protect Me From Myself!

Two of the most wretched communist hives of scum and villainy in The Peoples Republik of Kalifornia, San Francisco and Oakland, both passed “sugary drink” taxes last week. Berkeley, their next door haven of communists, passed a similar tax in 2014.

They argued successfully to the masses (with million$ in funding by anti-American Michael Bloomberg) that “sugary drinks” are a “Yuge” health hazard of epic proportions. They argue that “Big Soda” targets “children and teens” and that the products cause diabetes and obesity.

What a load of BOVINE EXCREMENT!

“Feel the Bern” Sanders, leader of the progressive movement is against soda taxes, but not for the same reasons as I am.

Shouldn’t the dietary choices of children be determined by their PARENTS and not by the government?

If it’s such a Yuge problem, why don’t parents kick the little coddled snowflakes in the backside and have them take a couple of laps around the block?

Oh right, in Oakland the kids might get shot by “city condoned” drug related gang activity which obviously is less of a health hazard since they haven’t done anything about that.   In San Francisco they could get killed by a felonious illegal immigrant as Frisco is a SANCTUARY CITY where they embrace their felons with open arms.

Back to sodas.  Whatever happened to personal responsibility and self control?

Here’s another question for the elite.  If sugary drinks are such a Yuge health hazard, why don’t they simply BAN them?  Note that the new law is a “small” tax on drinks.  A 1 cent per ounce tax won’t stop kids from drinking sodas.  It will only unfairly take money away from poor and middle-class families and give it to the government, to waste.

Get the freakin’ money grabbing nanny state out of everyday life! I don’t want or need the elitist Anti-American Patricians to PROTECT ME FROM MYSELF!

I’m going to drink an A&W Root Beer soda with REAL SUGAR for lunch today!


Oh my. The latte drinking babes want Kalifornia to secede from The Union. They say they will have an initiative on the 2018 state ballot to vote on a referendum, to hold a special election in 2019, which will allow a statewide vote on leaving.

This as a result of Hillybob not getting elected as “Liar in Chief”.

Apparently there are some NorCal elitists backing the issue. Shervin Pishavar, an investor in Uber, Marc Hermeon, of Google, and Dave Morin, founder of Path which is some sort of social networking tool.

I’d like to point out that ALL of the elitists above own VIRTUAL businesses. They don’t manufacture hard goods. They don’t raise crops. The products they have pedaled to gain wealth have no physical existence. They are just intellectual property that exists on the Internet or ahem big investment banking.

What does that matter? They don’t really have much of a stake in the ground here in the state.  They could conduct their businesses anywhere in the world. Sure they may have a some money tied up in computer server farms, but those could easily be moved anywhere, if they are not already out of state or overseas.  Maybe they are altruistic, but I’d bet real money they are still influenced by the accumulation of wealth.

What are the biggest economic sectors in Kalifornia? The top two are GOVERNMENT and SOCIAL SERVICES. Those two make up more than 30% of Kali’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Do either of those sectors create wealth?

The Calexit pantie waists tout that Kalifornia has the 6th largest GDP in the world and that’s why we should be our own country.

Ahem, well about 1/3 of that GDP makes a giant economic sucking sound (to paraphrase Ross Perot). I don’t think you can export government (though I wish we could) or social services to make a profit.

Well that means the other 2/3-ers  will have to make all the money to run Utopia. Kalifornia imports most of its energy. Natural gas fuels power plants in the state. Again that’s money going out not coming in.  More sucking sound. Manufacturing and agriculture are only about 12% of GDP. You CAN export those. Unless as a country you are independent and self sufficient with your own natural resources, you must trade, otherwise you’re just doing a circle-jerk until you collapse.  Looks to me that the 12% will pay for the 88% living in La-La Land.  Sounds like a fair deal.

What will STOP the smuggling of goods, production, and labor in and out of Kalifornia to avoid taxes (which will be inevitable)   Currently there are only signs along the borders of the state saying “Welcome to California”.

How about this idea?

The “New Kalifornia” pantie waists could build A BIG F’ING WALL and have the DONALD TRUMP LED FASCIST UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PAY FOR IT!

Ramblings of a maker