Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

Lie, Or Damn Lie?

You’ve probably seen, endlessly, the video of Hillybob collapsing yesterday at the 9/11 Memorial.

What I find interesting is her response to CNN anchor, Anderson Cooper, when asked about previous instances of collapsing.  Hillybob responded, “Really, only twice, uh, that I can recall”,

REALLY?  Let’s see, she stated UNDER OATH, to the FBI, that she could not recall A SINGLE ONE of the AT LEAST FOUR annual security briefings that she HAD to have attended during her tenure as Secretary of State.  I don’t think she was unconscious from dehydration or pneumonia or some other politically expedient made up malady at the briefings.  So Hillybob, which lies should we believe?  Can anyone trust anything this megalomaniac says?

Maybe in her case fainting is a result of pathological lying…

Perhaps I shouldn’t give a diagnosis.   I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV.

Fighting A Short Seller and Looney Tunes

Just a quick update on a some news related to a previous post about SHORT SELLING, Hacking and Short Selling for Fun and Profit.

St. Judes Medical is fighting back against the short seller Muddy Waters Capital LLC who claims that they have evidence that a cardiac pacemaker manufactured by St. Judes can be hacked. St. Judes filed a lawsuit on Sept. 7 against the short seller seeking damages and disbursement of profits from their short holdings.  Here a LINK to a Wall St. Journal article with details on the lawsuit.

The unfortunate problem is that even if St. Judes prevails in court their reputation may already be irreparably damaged.

Additionally similarly to the effect of the ONE (now discredited) report that fuels the LETHALLY dangerous stupidity of the “Anti-vaxxer” movement amongst young mothers and old panderers such as Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, there may be a fallout against devices like those made by St. Judes by an uninformed public.

Okay, I can’t just let go of Jill Stein’s position on Anti-vaxxing, a position which may be vexing to a logical person.  She argues that “all concerns” have not been addressed.  This is Rees’ Maxim, “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”.  She says we MAY not have evidence because the Food and Drug Administration, FDA and Centers for Disease Control, CDC are paid stooges of big drug companies.  Just another Looney Tunes presidential candidate.

No offense to Looney Tunes.  The Looney Tunes characters are more insightful than our current crop of candidates!

Th, th, th, that’s all folks!

You Are All Losers!

LOSERS!  That’s what Hillybob thinks of 1/2 of the American population. Over 162 million of you are losers in her book.

Her words, “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables.’ Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.”  That would currently be about 1/4 of the population of the United States of America, by golly.

She went on to say, “But the other basket … feel that the government has let them down”.  The other half in her book are those that who “feel that” they have been disenfranchised and marginalized by the government.

Let’s examine the wording closely, and we should as she’s a trained Yale lawyer (also accepted at Harvard) who is an expert in the use of words.  She says that the “other basket” contains the other quarter of the population whom just “feel” let down.  NOTICE, that she did not say they “have been let down by the government”.  Hillybob implies that they ARE NOT in fact LET DOWN BY GOVERNMENT.  It’s only an idea in their little pea brains.  Once again in her book, another quarter of the US population is too stupid to realize what a great job big government is doing for (to?) them.

And then on to her apology, 17 hours later, “Last night I was grossly generalistic and that’s never a good idea. I regret saying ‘half.  That was wrong,” .

Once again, let us examine the words spoken.  She DID NOT say that the SUBSTANCE of what she said was wrong.   in her “apology”, she only states that the estimated quantity of “deplorable” people in the “basket” was wrong.  Was she thinking the number should be 3/4, 7/8, all?

What sort of a half-assed apology was that?!?!?

She should have framed her apology to express WHAT SHE REALLY THINKS,

“I’m sorry that 162 million or more of you are a bunch of STUPID RACIST LOSERS!”.