Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

Cocaine Confirmation

In response to the Cocaine found at the White House, the Secret Service said, “At this time, the Secret Service’s investigation is closed due to a lack of physical evidence,” That’s a CONFIRMATION that the “Bolivian nose sugar” was brought in for and belongs to, Biden the Younger (Hunter).

Let’s look at the facts.

As the story FIRST BROKE it was STATED by the mainstream media that NO SUSPECT would be found, according to their sources, because the investigators would not be able to narrow down the list of suspects from the thousands of people that go in and out of the White House.  This was stated before the investigation began.  What White House “source” gave them that little tidbit.

The story kept changing as to where the cocaine was found as information came out. At first it was ‘stated‘ that the blow was found in the library of the EAST WING. Then after it was revealed by the fire department that they didn’t go into the library, at which point the ‘official story‘ became it was found in ‘a heavily travelled area‘ according to the White House black lesbian liar in charge. Eventually the location was narrowed down to the lockers outside the West Wing where visitors need to secure their personal electronic devices as that area is a secure area meaning it contains classified information or programs.

The lockers have keys to prevent theft of the personal property. That narrows down the list of suspects. The key to the locker which contained the drugs was ‘missing’. That was most likely why the Secret Service looked in and found the cocaine. If the key was present, the locker would have been unlocked.  A locker is LOCKED when the key is REMOVED.  We know CONCLUSIVELY that someone purposely locked up the drugs.  The press should ask just how many locker keys go missing and do they change the locks after a key is lost? My bet is that there are duplicate keys, as making another key is simpler than changing a lock.  There is about a 100% chance that you’ll find one of the duplicate keys in the possession of Hunter Biden.

The Secret Service said that no fingerprints or DNA were found on the plastic bag of drugs. If you believe that, I have a bridge for sale. Were there no fingerprints on the locker? Did they see anyone wearing LATEX GLOVES that day?  Conveniently there supposedly NO CAMERAS near the lockers.  Interesting.

Finally here is why no one was identified as a suspect in the great cocaine caper.

If they did identify a suspect, that person would be charged with a felony or multiple felonies. If charged the suspect would most likely flip and say that he/she brought the coke in for Hunter. If Hunter was found to have violated the terms of his ‘pretrial diversion’ for the felony gun charge he would go to the gray bar hotel for a several years.

The only “safe” conclusion was to close the case with NO CONCLUSION.

Just like the Obama administration, NO scandals in this administration.

Free Money For College Kids

The Supreme Court of the United States, SCOTUS, earlier this morning announced their ruling which strikes down the UNCONSTITUTIONAL and UNFAIR student loan forgiveness program that Old Fool Biden enacted by a DICTATORIAL executive order. He committed to give HALF A TRILLION DOLLAR$ of YOUR MONEY to bums that took out student loans and don’t want to repay them. The Fool issued this executive order because he knew that Congress would never pass this inflationary give away. It was reported that one of the STAR WITNESSES against the Fool was none other than former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. She was quoted several times in the arguments that the President doesn’t have the authority to commit the money to the program and that ONLY CONGRESS has the power to allocate the money.

SCOTUS made the correct decision no matter what the Marxist Left believes. I heard one obviously communist “political analyst” blather on MSNBC that SCOTUS does not have the right to interfere with the decisions of the President. Um, what happened to the THREE COEQUAL branches of government and checks and balances?  Apparently the MORON “political analyst” would prefer a DICTATOR or KING for the country.  Just let the Old Fool rule from the White House Castle.

But I have a suggestion for Old Fool Biden to make good on his promise to the kiddies.  I’ve said when I was working, “Don’t just bring criticisms, also bring solutions“.


The cost of his promised forgiveness program was estimated to cost $400 Billion, almost half a trillion bucks. If Old Fool nationalized all the colleges and universities the government would have access to the endowments that the institutions hold.

In 2021, according to  the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) endowments were $854.11 Billion, more than DOUBLE the $400 Billion that Old Fool promised. He could just give away a portion of the endowment money and it wouldn’t cost any taxpayer a SINGLE PENNEY!

Joey, I’m here to help.

Coup or Plan?

Yevgeny Prigozhin the head of the mercenary Wagner Group has been widely described by the media as exercising a coup in Russia. This seems to be patently ABSURD. Prigozhin provides contract (mercenary) soldiers to Russia to fight wars around the world. His net worth is a Billion Dollar$ which he obtained by providing military “services” to the Russian government.

Supposedly Prigozhin took ONE DIVISION of his men and was marching towards Moscow in this “coup”. Announcing that you are planning to invade the center of the Russian government with just ONE DIVISION against the whole of the Russian military seems to me to be a very unlikely move. Just a couple of days after announcing this march into Russia, Prigozhin calls an “Oopsie” and goes into exile in Belarus. Meanwhile Putin goes on national television to condemn such traitorous acts.  So far a perfectly logical plan, don’t you agree?

Another point. We all know that anyone who goes against Vladimir Putin ends up DEAD, full stop. Again a coup against Putin is a very logical plan.

Why would Prigozhin make such an obviously FOOLISH plan?

I believe Prigozhin coordinated this “coup” with Putin. To what end, you might ask?

The first and least important point is to make the US and allies believe that Putin is loosing his grip on the reins of power. This is what all the talking heads and ANALysts in the media are endlessly bloviating about. A possible outcome would be a slowing of Western aid to Ukraine. It also would make the push for the acceptance of Finland and Sweden as NATO countries to slow.

The most important reason for this false flag coup is give Putin the ability to use NUCLEAR WEAPONS without having Russia suffering international retaliation.

Let’s look at a big event that happened just a few days ago. Putin ordered NUCLEAR WEAPONS to be moved into, wait for it, BELARUS. And who just self exiled to BELARUS?

Now you have a supposed loose canon mad man with a division of soldiers right where Putin just moved a NUCLEAR ARSENAL. If Putin wanted to use NUKES in Ukraine what better way to insulate himself from any blowback if one just happened to go off?

This seems like a much more logical plan.