Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

The Other F’ing Idiot Senator From The PRK!

Oh man! I saw some of the confirmation hearing for Representative Mike Pompeo for Director of the CIA. Baby Senator Kamala “I have no F’ing clue why I’m on this commitee” Harris spent her time attempting to sound intelligent by grilling Rep. Pompeo on LGBT treatment, discrimination against mothers, and finally NASA’s conclusions on global warming.

The first two have some relevance, as Mr. Pompeo will need to manage employee policies of the CIA. It’s the last line of questioning about global warming which she kept harping about and spent the most time on, that was absolutely asinine.

Komrade Harris kept hounding Mr. Pompeo, if he believed NASA’s conclusions about global warming (renamed to climate science because they can’t prove global warming) was debatable. Mr. Pompeo said he did not want to get into the debate about the validity of climate science as he said he had not read the NASA report and that the focus of the CIA will be to help fight the wars that is being waged against our country, and NOT on the debate about the validity of climate science.  Komrade Harris wouldn’t give up on her line of questioning until Mr. Pompeo agreed to discuss this topic with her at a later time.  Her performance proves that she is clueless and quite the F’ing idiot!

Komrade Harris apparently believes that if NASA does something, it is akin to a “work of god” and cannot be questioned.  She seems to believe there is no debate on “climate science”  because NASA issued a “holy” report.  The blind belief in climate science apparently is a litmus test for her as to the suitability of an individual to direct the CIA.  Huh? WTF?  Anyone have the odds on her endorsing to CONFIRM Rep. Pompeo?  A million to one?

Someone needs to remind Komrade Harris about the “Mars Climate Orbiter“. Golly, it even has the word “Climate” in it.  The gods of NASA managed to lose control of their (really “our” as taxpayers) $125,000,000.00 Orbiter because they used metric units (meters, newton-meters) for some data and English units (feet, pounds) for others in their flight calculations. The probe was so off course when it reached Mars that it crashed into the surface in a “FLAMING BALL OF WRECKAGE” without making a single orbit or sending back any useful data.  The gods of NASA were perplexed when they couldn’t locate the probe as it neared the Red Planet.  It took some time before they figured out that they had commanded the probe to smash into Mars.  No DATA from the orbiter.  Pretty good return on $125 million, 1999 dollars.  That’s close to $200 million in today’s dollars, folks.  Oopsie.

The error in units, by the gods of NASA, is something that a high school student might make, but an infallible god?  On top of that, they had 9 months after launch to figure out they had a problem.  However, not until well after the Orbiter augured into the dirt, did the gods notice that the telemetry calculation numbers made no sense.

Pretty good work for infallible gods!  But who am I to question the work of gods?

Getting back to Komrade Harris, perhaps she believes that global warming is an area for the CIA Director to focus on because, like “Soon to be gone” Secretary of State Kerry, she believes ISIS can be defeated by giving them solar panels!  You can read my commentary on that topic HERE.

Is This The Best That All The 3-Letter Agencies Can Do?

I just read the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) Joint Accountability Report (JAR), JAR-16-20296, titled “GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity“, (whew), that is supposedly the PROOF that Russians influenced the 2016 Presidential election. You can read a copy of the report HERE.

In the famous words of Lt. Sulu of the Starship USS Enterprise, “Oh my“.

The majority of the report is a bunch of BOVINE EXCREMENT, to put it kindly.  It’s sad that this conglomeration of word salad is the best that all the 3-Letter Agencies, DHS, FBI, CIA, et al, could come up with.  If I were grading the report, I’d give it an “F”.

The bottom line of the report is that at least two individuals, one at the DNC, and the other, John Podesta, were tricked into divulging their email passwords to a bad guy and their emails were stolen.  This one sentence pretty much sums up all 13 pages of the report.

As to whether or not Putin was behind this, the report attributes the ‘hacking’ of the emails to “Russian civilian and military intelligence Services (RIS)“.  The report only IMPLIES that Russian Intelligence, may or may not have been responsible.  That’s a definite “sort of maybe” accusation of Putin’s involvement.  Sheesh, if you want to implicate the man, just say it.  “We have direct evidence that Vladimir Putin was responsible for authorizing the attacks”.  If the evidence is classified and cannot be publicly disclosed, just say so.  I’d be okay with that.

In order to puff up the length of the report, the “authors” put in a statement, “In foreign countries…the bad guys did bad things. They needed to include “foreign” attacks to make the idea of Russian involvement more dramatic and ominous, as well as to make the report longer. These “foreign” attacks had nothing to do with the election controversy.

Here’s my summary analysis of the report:

1 page saying John Podesta and someone at the DNC got tricked into giving up their email passwords.  NO NEWS HERE.  They imply the Russians tricked them.

1 page consisting of two illustrations that tries to explain “phishing”.  A waste of a page

1 page which has a chart listing 48 viruses and malware that might be Russian related.  Only 2 of the 48 listed have any association with the election controversy.   A wast of a page.

1 page that has a code snippet of generic “Yara signature” code. This is a complete red herring because they don’t include the actual signature “string” which might point to something of substance.  I think someone put this in to try and bamboozle the layman reader because it looks all techie, but it describes absolutely nothing of any importance.  Another waste of a page.

8 pages of bloat that says don’t be an idiot like Podesta and teach your network administrators to do the job they are supposed to do.  Yet more wasted pages.

1 page that says how to contact the NCCIC.  After reading the report, this too is a waste of a page, if this is the best that they can come up with.

The report is 13 pages of puffery and very little of it is of any substance.

Just in case you don’t know what “phishing” is, it’s a scheme where a bad guy sends you an email that says there is a problem with one of your accounts and you need to log into this “special” website using your username and password to “fix” the problem. The report says “At least one targeted individual” stupidly clicked the links and gave up their personal information. Looks like John Podesta was “at least one” of those idiots. Once the bad guys had access to the accounts they downloaded the emails.  There is some inference that the bad guy did place a virus or malware into the user’s email account most likely to catch future password changes.

Supposedly the report is the EVIDENCE that led to the decision by the administration to expel 35 Russians from the US.

Don’t get me wrong on my position.  Stealing information is WRONG!  My criticism is of this poorly written report that was issued.  The Russian regime is still made up of bad guys who do bad things.

I believe we should only trust the Russians about as far as we can toss a bowl of Bosrscht.

Does Putin Read My Blog?

I was looking of the statistics to this blog and I noticed a few interesting things.

There was an increase in traffic from  Good folks who believe in The Second Amendment.  Hope you all enjoyed my pre and post election rants!

Interestingly there were some folks who came through “facebook” which means some people were forwarding my blog in their posts.  If you like my blog, thank you, whomever you might be.  If you were posting because you didn’t like my blog, hey thanks anyway!  A differing opinion is not a bad thing.

The most interesting statistic was that during the month of November the readers of my blog spiked up almost TEN FOLD!.  Quite a bit of the new readership came from of all place RUSSIA!  Almost half of the unique visitors were from Russia.

I’m figuring that Vladmir Putin and his staff must be reading this blog to get a handle on what those of us behind enemy lines, in the People’s Republik of Kalfornia, think!  Okay that’s the story I’m going with.

With today’s rumors of CIA leaks to the lefty press, about the Soviets meddling in the election by releasing the DNC’s and John Podesta’s incriminating emails, perhaps the Soviets were gathering additional intel from this blog.  Why else would so many Russians be interested in what’s written here?  Okay there are probably a bunch of other reasons including Ruskie hackers, but it sounds better if I say that Soviet leaders are reading my blog!

Comrade Vladimir, if you need any of my opinions, feel free to leave a comment!