Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

Mad Cow Comes To The Wrong Conclusion

Last night, after the US Senate passed the tax reform bill, Rachel “Mad Cow” Maddow, gave her, oh so enlightened analysis of why this bill only makes the rich, richer and sticks it to the middle class. Her piece is titled, “GOP tax bill set to make rich richer at everyone else’s expense”.

As described on the MSNBC website, “Rachel Maddow reports on the extent of income inequality in the U.S. as the largess of the American economy has not trickled down, and shows how the Republican tax bill further enriches the already wealthy at the expense of everyone else.

Mad Cow displayed a graph which she goes on to explain, shows the “correlation” between growing “income inequality” and economic disaster. Here’s a screen capture of the graph.

This is the graph taken from the original document.  Click on the chart to read the details.

Mad Cow explains that the data in the graphs shows “Worrying and specific” doom. She points out that “First big peak in income inequality, is right before the crash of 1929, that led to the great depression“. She goes on to espouse that “The next big peak on the graph is right before the crash that took the economy down again in 2008 and 2009“.

Okay let’s run with this chart for a bit.

The big events that Mad Cow MISSES in this graph and FAILS to point out, are at the beginning and the middle of the years, which I’ve highlighted in yellow. From the start of time shown until about 1918-1919 there is a HUGE reduction in income inequality. The LARGEST reduction in income inequality is between 1938 and 1945.

What happened at these two times in history? How about World War I and World War II.

Mad Cow and her ilk, The Bernie-ites, Pocohontites, Hillybobites, and the rest of the progre-sissies scream about income inequality and how they want wealth redistribution.

Looking at the historical data which Mad Cow presented (described by her as part of a bi-partisan study), the obvious solution to income inequality is to have ANOTHER WORLD WAR! All the Wacky LEFT should be encouraging war with the fat little despot, or with some ayatollah, or with the Kremlin. Heck, they’ve been screaming that Russian interference in preventing Hillybob from taking her throne was an ACT of WAR.   I think they need to stop flapping their gums, pick up a weapon, and end income inequality, IF that is what they want.  Tax the hell out of everyone and fuel the war machine, to create wealth redistribution.  The bigger the war the less income inequality.

A simple time PROVEN solution.

And A Vote WAS Taken

President Trump announced that the United States recognizes that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and at some point the US Embassy will be located there, much to the consternation of the screaming babies in this country and around the world.

Back the F-ing truck up, all who are screaming at President Trump.

On October 24, 1995 CONGRESS passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act (S.1322 – Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995) which recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and allocates funds to move the US Embassy there. Sound familiar?

Of course it was strictly a Republican conspiracy the opposition to President Trump will say. WELL the vote tally in the SENATE was 93 yea and 5 nay. In the HOUSE the vote tally was 374 yea and 37 nay. That looks like quite a close call to me and must have been passed along party lines. You can look up the great right-wing conspiracy in the Congressional record HERE.

President Trump is doing what he said he would do.  I guess that’s surprising to many who prefer their president to lie to the country.

“No matter how we reform health care, I intend to keep this promise:  If you like your doctor, you’ll be able to keep your doctor. if you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan“, comes to mind.

The libtards like to throw around the word INTENT when Hillybob was given a pass on felony prosecution for keeping classified information on an unsecure private email server.  As you can see some unnamed president had INTENT in keeping his promise, but he didn’t keep his promise which makes it one BIG FAT LIE.

Libtards, you can’t have it both ways.

‘Splain Something To Me

Antifa. Anti-facists. Who are the masked jokers?

The pussies of antifart want to overthrow the United States Government. They are “supposedly” organizing protests that will continue until President Trump is removed from office, or so they claim. Antifart is calling for a violent revolution if necessary.  They have stated that there is no limit to what force they may use in their effort to overthrow the government. This includes shooting those who oppose their moral high-ground agenda.

Interestingly they align with the Revolutionary Communist Party as well as the hard left socialists.

Hmm. What are the two biggest COMMUNIST countries? Maybe Russia and China?

Here’s where I need someone to ‘splain something to me. If antifart is aligned with communist and socialist ideology, why are they against President Trump?

The mainstream fake media and all the Dumbocrats have been hollering that President Trump colluded with the Red Bear to steal the election from Hillybob. They also have said that President Trump has been bought by the Kremlin and is in bed with Vladimir. “Trump proves he’s a Putin lapdog“, Washington Post, July 21, 2016. “And also carry Putin’s water…“, Julie Roginsky, Democratic political consultant.

If President Trump is the puppet of the COMMUNIST leader Vladimir Putin, why are the antifart pussies in such opposition to him? Shouldn’t they be embracing the “fact” that our President is the “lap dog” of a “great” COMMUNIST leader?

Additionally President Trump appears to have an ongoing “friendly relationship” with Chinese president Xi Jinping. President Xi is the most powerful leader in COMMUNIST China since Mao Zedong. Once again you would think that the antifart pussies would embrace President Trump for working so closely with their COMMIE brethren.

And then there is this, “… demonstrable and irrefutable collusion with the Russians and their dictatorial former-KGB leader, Vladimir Putin.“, Investor’s Business Daily, July 13, 2017.  Oh wait, the whole sentence is, “The fact is, the Democratic Party and their allies on the left are up to their necks in real, actual, demonstrable and irrefutable collusion with the Russians and their dictatorial former-KGB leader, Vladimir Putin.”  Forget that last thought.

I grew up during the cold war.  I remember when being a COMMIE was BAD thing.  With the rise of antifart, it appears that being a KOMMIE is KOOL.  Long live the revolution.