Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

What A Shit Show

I watched part of the “He said, she said” testimony yesterday with Doc Ford and Judge Kavanaugh. What a F*cking shit show.

We know the Dimbulbcrat party will vote no on Kavanaugh’s confirmation and it will boil down to whether or not a few Republicans will buy into the farce. Just hold the damn vote! No need for all the circus barking.  Not amount of discussion is going to change a single vote among the Senate.

I used to have a small amount of respect for Senator Diane Feinstein from my state, The People’s Republik of Kommiefornia, but after the shit show she orchestrated to prove she’s a hard left communist, I have ZERO respect for the senator. And we have loud-mouthed Senator “Kommie” Kamala also from the PRK on the judicial committee, backing her play. What a F*cking diaster.

Komrade Feinstein has now stated that the confirmation process for Judge Kavanaugh is, “a real test for the Senate and the nation to see how we treat women, especially women who are survivors of sexual assault.” Yeah right. She’s the one who set up this farcical shit show “test”.

I have a suggestion for Komrade Feinstein and all of her “feminist” colleagues who SUPPOSEDLY support the victim nation of women.

If you truly believe that Doc Ford was a victim of sexual assault in the state of Maryland by Kavanaugh or anyone else. DO SOMETHING ABOUT it besides flapping your gums.  If you believe that Kavanaugh is a drunken sexual predator lying in wait, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.  If you believe the “creepy porn lawyer” that Kavaugh was the “leader or a gang-rape posse“, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

If you ACTUALLY BELIEVE any of this bullshit, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Komrades Feinstein and Harris, CALL on your Dimbulbcrat senate colleagues Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen, both Dimbulbcrats, to have the Maryland Attorney General, Brian Frosh, also a Dimbulbcrat, to investigate the “alleged” crime. That’s who should be looking into this, not the FBI.

You don’t need Judge Kavanaugh’s permission to start a Maryland state investigation.

You don’t need President Trump’s approval for the Maryland AG to start an investigation.

You don’t need the Senate or House majority to start a state investigation.

Maryland state officials can do whatever they want.  State’s rights.  Remember those?  Or are you all too stupid to recall high school civics?  Come on stand up for “the victim”  and call for this investigation.  It can be completely partisan.  I don’t F*cking care.  If you truly care about “the victim”, grow a pair and do something.

It’s a simple process.

Will they call for this investigation?

F*ck No would be my prediction. We’ll just hear crickets, because they don’t care about “the victim”.  They care about resisting President Trump.

Lady Justice Is Blind Because Her Eyes Are Getting Gouged Out

I’m going to make another prediction.

Watch for a book to come out titled, “The Woman Who Saved Democracy, The Christine Ford Story“, if Judge Kavanaugh is NOT confirmed to the Supreme Court. OR, watch for a book titled, “The Woman Who TRIED To Save Democracy, The Christine Ford Story“, if Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed.  It will be authored by Doc Ford and her lawyers.

All the stupid commie leftists keep blathering, “Why would Doc Ford come forward, she has nothing to gain?”

Well there’s your reason. A large percentage of commies would buy the book no matter what the outcome of the confirmation. Several million dollars in book sales is quite the motivator.  “Feel the Bern” Sanders pocketed $3,000,000 from book sales last year and I don’t even know the title of his book or know anyone who has read the book.

One of Doc Ford’s high school classmates posted on social media that everyone at her school knew about this “attempted rape”.  When the stupid classmate was told that she might need to testify under oath to this “fact”, she deleted the post and subsequently said that she has no knowledge if the incident did or did not occur.  Great corroboration.  Yet another fame and fortune seeker.

So far one big thing didn’t happen. Doc Ford’s lawyers EXPECTED the usual “pile on” of accusers, but that didn’t happen. Perhaps that’s because Judge Kavanaugh is a good man and always has been.

Let’s look at the FACTS about her story and the DEMANDS made for her testimony.

FACT Doc Ford cannot say when or where the alleged incident occurred. Her lawyers know that if she said it was at a specific TIME OR PLACE, there is a possibility that Kavanaugh might produce concrete evidence that exonerates him. Since the broad time frame is in the early to mid 1980’s lots of people had pocket 35mm cameras that DATE and TIME stamped the pictures. If someone had in their scrapbook or old photo files a picture of Kavanugh somewhere other than the alleged party there goes her credibility. One of Kavanaugh’s former girlfriends might have ticket stubs to a movies or a concert, in her old precious moments memory books, that Kavanaugh took his girlfriend to. There may be a parking or traffic ticket that would place Kavanaugh again somewhere other than the alleged party. What would you advise your book deal seeking client to say given any of those possibilities of concrete evidence? “Just say you can’t recall the time or place of the attack“.

DEMANDS. Doc Ford’s lawyers want Judge Kavanaugh to testify first. That’s a direct violation of our justice system in that Judge Kavanaugh is not allowed to face his accuser OR even to know what he is accused of. All the he can say is that whatever the Doc Ford WILL say is FALSE. He will not be able to rebut her testimony. Why is this important?

Once again Doc Ford’s lawyers want this for the book deal. First off they will say that Kavanaugh bullied her and called her a liar before she had said one word.  Smart move.  She can say any outrageous statement and he will NOT have had the opportunity to defend himself while under oath. Another smart move. They will put in their book and the FAKE NEWS will also say that,  “Kavanaugh never denied the these accusations while he was under oath”. How much airplay will that get on CNN and MSNBC? “While under oath, Kavanough did not refute that he pulled a knife on 15 year old Chrsitine, as she testified to under oath“. You get how this is going to play out in the press and how it will be written up in the book.

Forget the blindfold on Lady Justice. Let’s all just gouge her eyes out.

Is Profit Evil?

Direct from the Democratic Socialists of America website:
We are socialists because we reject an economic order based on private profit, alienated labor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based on race, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, disability status, age, religion, and national origin, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo.

Their FIRST principle is to REJECT the idea of “private profit“. From this obviously PROFIT MUST SOMEHOW BE EVIL.

One must ask, why does a business exist? The most basic reason is to produce something or provide a service and generate a PROFIT. Why would an entrepreneur take a PERSONAL RISK (financial, emotional, physical and mental health) to start a company? Again the answer is, TO MAKE MONEY.

One then must ask, how many innovations have come about where the creator never wanted to make a PROFIT?  Look around you.  Do you see anything that was produced where the company made NO PROFIT?  Do shareholders invest money into companies out of the goodness of their hearts and expect nothing in return or do they expect the company to generate a PROFIT and a RETURN ON INVESTMENT?  How many innovations have arisen from such wonderful socialist countries like Venezuela, Cuba, Bangledesh, Guyana, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, or North Korea?

One might argue, what about NON-PROFIT corporations?

The PBS President Paula Kerger earned a paltry $802,978.00 in 2016. If you look at the average non-profit CEO salaries with respect to the organization’s operating budget they are compensated at about 10% of the operating budget. A non-profit with an operating budget of $5,000,000.00 pays their CEO about HALF A MILLION dollars annually. The worker bees, bless their sacrificial hearts, make considerably less.

Why do they pay the CEOs the heftiest of salaries and not a “working man’s wage“? The answer is to attract qualified talent to run the organization. For some silly reason, talented individuals want to be compensated for their time (personal PROFIT). Hmmm, strange concept.

Let’s look at just how EVIL selling for PROFIT has become and how much SADNESS and INJUSTICE it has generated in our world.  Here’s one example.

According to Fortune, in 2016 the iPhone 7 had a production cost of about $225. The phone sold for $649 which gives Apple Inc. a PROFIT OF $424 PER PHONE sold. Wowzer, an EVIL GROSS PROFIT of over 188%, that’s a lot of injustice in this world. If you look at the one year cumulative sales of iPhones in which the 7 was released, Apple Inc. shipped nearly a QUARTER BILLION iPhones. Putting that into total numbers, A QUARTER BILLION PEOPLE HAPPILY GAVE Apple Inc. $106 BILLION DOLLARS in EVIL PROFIT in ONE YEAR! That’s a buttload of dumbocratic socialist injustice.

Why would so many people give so much money to a profit generating company and make themselves so SAD?

There’s a thing called a VALUE PROPOSITION. No one forced the consumer at gunpoint to give Apple Inc. the money. The consumer HAPPILY made the trade because they believed that the VALUE of a new iPhone 7 was worth more than possessing the money that they worked for. Apple Inc. on the other hand HAPPILY sold the iPhone because at the completion of the transaction they VALUED the $424 in PROFIT more than they VALUED the produced phone.

Wait, the consumer is HAPPY to pay for the phone at the retail price and Apple Inc. is HAPPY to sell them the phone and make a profit. Who is NOT HAPPY with this transaction?

Oh the social injustice when EVERYONE is HAPPY.

The ONLY SAD thing in all of this is the HUGE number of young people who possess a DUMBOCRATIC socialist view that PROFIT is EVIL.