Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

I’ve seen this photo several time after the “racist, unconstitutional, unAmerican, terrorist” tear gas usage in San Ysidro to repel the immigrant MOB attempting to BUM RUSH the border.  We keep being told by the FAKE NEWS media that women and children were tear gassed without warning or cause by border patrol agents.

So what does this snapshot show us?

Obviously people were warned that they would be stopped by “tear gas” or some other non-lethal method if they attempted to crash the border crossing. HOW ELSE would all of these “reporters” have known to suit up in tactical gear including GAS MASKS ?!?!  And how many women and children do you see in the picture?  Looks like young men and reporters to me.  And why would the “reporters” need to suit up in tactical gear if this was just a peaceful, caravan of rightful asylum seekers and NOT A MOB throwing rocks and bottles at border agents as they tried to crash the border?

Oh and by the way, Former President Obama used tear gas ONCE A MONTH on his watch to prevent crashing the border. I can’t recall a single “reporter” covering that story.

“Confidential” Voter Information

As I mentioned in my previous post, I was surprised that a survey group knew that I submitted my ballot.

It turns out that all sorts of voter information is readily available, for purchase, from the government.

You can see the request form for Los Angeles county HERE. For $146 you can obtain a list of all registered voters in the county including their home addresses. You have to “swear” that you won’t use the information for anything except specific purposes and you must belong to any of the following class of people:

1. Elections officials. (E.C. Sections 2183, 2187, 2194).
2. Members of Congress or the Legislature. (E.C. Sections 2184, 2191, 2194).
3. Candidates for public office. (E.C. Sections 305, 2184, and 2187, subd. (g), 2191, 2194).
4. Persons, committees and proponents or opponents for or against any proposed ballot
measures or for or against any referendum or initiative measure for which legal
publication has been made. (E.C. Sections 2184 and 2187, subd. (g), 2191, 2194).
5. Chairpersons or vice chairpersons of party state central committees or party county central
committees. (E.C. Sections 2185, 2187, 2190, 2191, 2194).
6. Faculty members or researchers of an accredited educational institution for the purpose of
academic research. (E.C. Section 2194, subd. (a) (2).
7. Persons challenging the confidential registrant’s voting eligibility. Only the address may be
disclosed to the challenger, elections official and other persons as necessary to make or
defend or adjudicate the challenge. (E.C. Section 2194, subd. (b).
8. Persons who will use the index exclusively for election, scholarly, journalistic or political
research or governmental purposes, including bona fide news and polling organizations.
(E.C. Sections 2187, subd. (g) and 2194).
1. Persons seeking to locate lost relatives. (Secretary of State memo dated 01/12/95).
2. Private investigators, skip tracers, process servers, and attorneys seeking to locate
individuals, unless those persons are employed by or on contract to a public agency.
(Secretary of State memo dated 01/12/95).
3. Any other persons/agencies as determined by the Secretary of State.

In Orange County you can purchase voter information online and that includes the status of mail-in ballot voters’ ballots.

Pretty secure, right?

Midterm Election Day

It is finally the day. The day all of the junk mail from candidates stops flooding my mailbox. The day all the robocallers stop calling my phone. The day email spam slows down.

Now for some observations.

The most curious spam email I received was a survey request. It asked me to participate because they said they know that my mail-in ballot was received by the county registrar of voters. What the heck?!?! First off, how did they find that out? I didn’t realize that my ballot status was that easily accessible. In fact I didn’t realize that you can check the status of anyone’s ballot. Looks like big brother knows more about me than I realized. Of course I never answer surveys. But it is curious.

And here’s another observation.

The stock market is up today. That’s interesting because I would assume that the Wall Street crowd believes that the Trump Train will be continuing. That would indicate that the investment computers expect control to stay with the Republicans. If the robots calculated a Democratic controlled congress, I would have expected a sell-off because the Train would be heading off the rails.

I would contend that the investment crowd has more data and better models than the talking heads on the news. Predicting trends is important to them. It’s MONEY to them, not just a partisan talking point.

Look what happened in 2016. All the TV idiots were predicting a Hillybob landslide win based on their models.  They got that wrong.  Next all the talking heads then went on to predict an economic apocalypse after the election of President Trump. How accurate were the stupid people on TV?  Just look at how the market responded.  It jumped up right after the election and essentially hasn’t looked back. “No one” should have known what President Trump would actually do. Of course we can now look back and see the rollback of regulations, the trade deals, and the tax cuts. How could the “market” have known that President Trump wasn’t just another lying politician and wouldn’t do what he said on the campaign trail?

Of course we’ll see in the next few weeks how this all turns out.