Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

We Didn’t Win, Burn It To The Ground

One of the proposals by some of the wacky Dim 2020 presidential candidates is to add justices to Supreme Court of The United States (SCOTUS) to, in their world view, “re-balance” the court to a “more progressive” ideology. The Dims believe that the appointment by President Trump of the constitutionalist Justice Brett Kavanaugh, too heavily tilts the court’s decision power in the direction of racist, misogynist phobes, who “cling to their guns or religion“, such as Justice Clarence Thomas.

Anyone who believes that the United States Constitution protects our God given rights to “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness“, needs to reject those who want to drive SCOTUS in a “more progressive” direction.

One of the WORST decisions made by the SCOTUS was “Kelo v. City of New London“. This 2005 decision which was a 5-4 split along ideological lines, gives the government the ability to seize ANYONE’S PROPERTY and give it to another PERSON OR ENTITY, for “the public good”. The case was that the City of New London CT wanted to seize the HOMES of CITIZENS and turn the seized properties over to a real estate development group which intended to build a site for Pfizer Inc. to make, I’m assuming, more Viagra BONER PILLS.

SCOTUS voted in favor of MORE BONER PILLS, obviously for the public good.  And we all know you need one heck of a stiffy when you “F” over the Constitution.

The city seized the properties, bulldozed the houses, and turned the land over to the real estate group.  The group failed to obtain financing to build the BONER PILL plant and to this day the bulldozed lots remain vacant.  All for the public good.

If you look at the SCOTUS vote, the “liberal” judges which included Ginsburg (Notorious RBG, hero to the leftists), Breyer, and Kennedy voted to allow the government to do a “reverse Robin Hood” and take from the poor and give to the COLLECTIVE RICH.

The “conservative” judges which included Clarence Thomas and the late Antonin Scalia were outvoted in PROTECTING AN INDIVIDUAL’S RIGHT AGAINST UNLAWFUL SEIZURE OF PROPERTY BY THE GOVERNMENT.

Thomas wrote in his dissenting opinion, “Something has gone seriously awry with this Court’s interpretation of the Constitution. Though citizens are safe from the government in their homes, the homes themselves are not.

A court gone “AWRY” and most likely one which would go further awry, is what the idiotic 2020 candidates are proposing is best for OUR COUNTRY.  IF those who govern the country believe that the Constitution was written by a bunch of dead “white guys” and it doesn’t represent the “modern progressive multi-cultural society” of  today, THEN the United State of America will become another pile in the dust heap of failed nations.

It’s Because Policies Affect Them

The debate goes on about lowering the voting age to 16 even though the measure went down in flames. Nancy Pelosi has lost what few marbles she may have left in her cranium and continues advocating for lowering the voting age to 16 to “capture” young voters.

One of the big arguments that I keep hearing for lowering the voting age is that 16 year olds are AFFECTED by policy decisions and THAT IS WHY they should be allowed to vote.

Beep, beep, beep. Back the F’ing truck up.

Governor “Black face” Northam of Virginia signed into STATE LAW that a baby born alive after a botched abortion can be killed outside of the womb.

Now applying “progressive’s” LOGIC, that POLICY decision by the Virginia legislature and the “Black face” Northam affects the LIFE of the newborn child, THEREFORE we need to grant voting rights at the MOMENT OF BIRTH.

Quod erat demonstrandum