Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

Time To Flee. Oh The Humanity

There are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of “asylum seekers” coming from Central American countries, most coming from Guatemala and Honduras.

Here’s what the Honduran “asylum seekers” are fleeing from:

And here are some of the deplorable, oppressive conditions in Guatemala:

HGTV has several episode of people from Canada and the US buying properties and moving to Honduras. You can watch the episode of a Canadian couple buying their dream home in Honduras, HERE.  Oddly the episode is titled, “A Little Piece of Paradise“.

The wife says, “I can’t wait to wake up to this every single morning!” as she describes Honduras.  Obviously no one has told the stupido Norte Americanos that they need to flee to the United States to avoid the persecution.

I’ve done some fly fishing on several of the islands off the coast of Honduras and it’s a beautiful place.  But obviously without my “progressive” sunglasses I couldn’t see how oppressed I was.  Sheesh and I paid money to go there.

I Grew Up As A Racist

And then we start sometimes creating what’s called a ‘circular firing squad,’ where you start shooting at your allies because one of them is straying from purity on the issues.“, former President Barack Obama speaking at an event hosted by “The Obama Foundation” in Berlin, Germany

Seems like a lot of chutzpah giving a speech as the keynote speaker at an event hosted by yourself, but I digress.

What I find interesting is that President Obama felt he needed to explain the concept of a “circular firing squad” is to the German audience. He should have used the more colloquial description of a “Polish Firing Squad” and then all the Germans would have collectively said “Yah, Ich verstehen“; “Yes, I understand”.

No one ever called it a “circular firing squad”. Everyone used to use the more ‘racist’ term Polish Firing Squad.  And we all know how the Germans treated the Poles in World War II.

But then I grew up in racist America.

How Loony Can They Get?

Bernie Sanders has proven once again that he is a lunatic.

Here’s what he BELIEVES regarding felons’ right to vote.

In my state, what we do is separate. You’re paying a price, you committed a crime, you’re in jail. That’s bad, But you’re still living in American society and you have a right to vote. I believe in that, yes, I do.

Hey Bern, how about this then?

If you BELIEVE that convicted FELONS can be trusted to make  wise, moral, and informed decisions as to the direction of our country, why don’t you also grant them their SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS?  You BELIEVE that they are moral, cognizant, and capable of making decisions that affect the whole country, therefore they should be responsible enough to handle a firearm while in prison.  Right Bernie?

Okay we know you DON’T want anyone to have firearms.  How about this idea?

Once again since you BELIEVE that they can make WISE and MORAL decisions as CONVICTED FELONS, how about getting rid of prisons completely and just have them sign a piece of paper promising that they will be good? By Bernie logic they are fully capable of making WISE and MORAL decisions that are optimal for our country and communities therefore we should be able to trust them to make WISE and MORAL decisions as they roam freely among us. Right Bernie?

What a fucking FOOL.