Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

Lack of Skills

Attorney General William Barr declined showing up to the House Judiciary interrogation of his handling of the Mueller report. AG Barr has declined because the Rep. Jerry Nadler changed the rules of the interrogation to allow outside lawyers to question AG Barr. AG Barr’s representative said that Congress is a coequal branch of government and that the House member should ask their own questions and not use hired guns ask the questions. Of course all of this is to entrap AG Barr into an impeachable position or to use something he might say in an impeachment process against President Trump.

Nadler stated this about AG Barr’s refusal to show up to the interrogation by outside lawyers,

He is terrified of having to face a skilled attorney...”

Back the F’ing truck up.

Komrade Nadler of the interrogation squad is a lawyer. He graduated from Fordham Law School. Most of the Judiciary committee members are also lawyers. If he needs to bring in “skilled attorneys” to question AG Barr, THIS IS AN ADMISSION that he and the rest of the interrogation squad are UNSKILLED ATTORNEYS incapable of asking their own question.

Nadler should have stated,We dumbocrat bozos on this committee are too fucking stupid to ask relevant questions”.

Green for Green

With all the ho-hum hubbub about the Green Dream, as Nancy Pelosi calls it, the expense of implementation is astronomical.

Estimates for the Occasional-Cortex plan is over $90 TRILLION big ones. The Fake-Mexican, Beta-male O’Rourke has his own MULTI-TRILLION DOLLAR plan to fight “The greatest threat we face” which is climate change.

Hey, communistas, I have a simple solution to paying for all of your great and wonderful ideas.

All of you Comrades keep insisting that climate change (warming or cooling, the definition changes by the day) is the single greatest threat to our existence. Here’s what you should do.

Stop ALL spending on the military and take that HALF A TRILLION annual budget and miraculously fix the Earth’s climate. You profess the knowledge on how to achieve that goal, therefore it’s just an implementation issue.  You say that ALL scientist are in agreement, so this should be an EASY FIX.  We should have no need for a military because obviously all the rest of the world will COEXIST (I’ve seen the loony bumper stickers) in harmony with us once they see we are serious about reversing the heating or cooling of the Earth and giving up our imperialistic ways.  China, Russia, Iran, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boka Haram, or any other group are just tolerable (as you all are very tolerant) annoyances compared to our “GREATEST THREAT“.

Problem solved. And your welcome for this 2020 winning solution. I know it will go over well with everyone in the country.

Go AG Barr!

The Mueller Report was released by Attorney General William Barr, yesterday.  If you want to read the report for yourself, you can read it and download a pdf HERE.

To recap events, AG Barr released a summary of findings of the reports which lit the Leftists up because he summarized that NO collusion by President Trump, his campaign, or any other American was found  and that there was NO conclusive evidence of obstruction of justice by President Trump.

Just prior to the public release of the Mueller Report, AG Barr held a news conference to go over the report and the redacted text. He took questions from the media horde.

One young, moronic “reporter” stated that AG Barr’s actions in releasing the Mueller report was TOO FAVORABLE to President Trump in her words an “UNPRECEDENTED SITUATION“.

AG Barr responded back to the MORON with a question, “So, is there another PRECEDENT for it?“.

The MORON had to reply, “No, but…“.

So UNPRECEDENTED is an inaccurate decription, isn’t it?“, questioned AG Barr to the MORON.

MORON replied, “Yes“.

AG Barr responded, “Okay” and then he moved on.

That was a brilliant exchange by AG Barr with the “fake news media“.

The FAKE NEWS MEDIA found out that they were picking a fight someone much more intelligent than themselves.  The only problem is that the MORONS who are supposedly reporting “news” are too stupid to realize they were spanked by AG Barr.