Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

Gun Control Is The Only Answer

According to The Clinton News Network, CNN, gun control is the only answer to stopping violence.

Right now there is an active shooter scene which has been ongoing for more than 6 hours. Philadelphia police were conducting a narcotics raid at a known drug house when a maniac opened fire on the police. The maniac shooter has at this point shot and injured 6 officers in Philadelphia.  Thankfully none of the officers were seriously injured.

As I was watching the coverage of this incident I flipped the channel to CNN at about 30 minutes into the melee and the panel of moronic talking heads (somehow deemed experts) were discussing what gun control laws need to be passed by Congress to deal with this sort of situation.

Back the F’ing truck up!

Why do the empty headed commentators believe that MORE LAWS will stop criminals from committing crimes?

Let’s see, interfering with a police officer is a crime. Shooting and wounding a police officer or anyone for that matter is a crime. Attempted murder is a crime.  Discharging a firearm inside city limits is a crime.  I suspect that the shooter is probably a felon in possession of a firearm and that is a crime. I also suspect that the maniac obtained the firearms illegally which is also a crime. The perp most likely has committed multiple felonies in the 6 hours that have transpired.

Does anyone ACTUALLY BELIEVE there exists is a MAGIC LAW that will prevent criminal from committing crimes?

The MORONS on CNN must believe in MAGIC LAWS to keep criminals from committing crimes.

I’m glad we have such geniuses reporting the news and keeping us informed on our legal system.

Dream Team?

This came to me in a nightmare the other night.

Kamala Harris and Eric Holder 2020.

This revelation came to me after seeing the interview with Moochelle Obama where when asked about the “You’re a racist” controversy between Harris and Biden, Mooch could have easily said, “I know Joe is not a racist“, of Baracks’s BFF. Instead she smirked and said something to the effect of, “This isn’t my first rodeo, so no comment“. Now there’s an implied, “I want the racist mantle to hang over Joe“. To me it indicates that the king-maker Obama power couple do not want to endorse old Joe.  I bet that Mooch is hedging her bets for a 2024 run for the White House.

Back to the ticket. Harris/Holder. The whacky liberal Dream Team!

Komrade Harris has already shown that she’s a stooge for the socialista movement. She endorses the Greenie New Deal, giving money to people based on skin color, open borders, medicare for all, getting rid of private medical insurance, free college, taxpayers paying off student loans, and free healthcare to anyone who breaks the law sneaking into our country. Of course just like all good socialistas, she wants to trample the Second Amendment. Notably, our good komrade has said she believes that President Trump should be impeached and that she would prosecute him if she should win the presidency.

And she would probably get the king-maker Obama’s endorsement. Barack famously said of Komrade Harris, “She also happens to be, by far, the best looking attorney general in the country. It’s true! C’mon,

Eric Holder as veep. He’s a perfect choice. Holder has the bona fides.  He along with Komrade Harris believe we need more handouts to people based on skin color. He famously said, “In things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards”. He was the first attorney general in history to be held in CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS, for refusing to hand over documents to HIS DOJ’s secret “Fast and Furious” operation that ended up getting a US Border Patrol agent killed and which supplied weapons to Mexican Cartels. But of course that wasn’t a scandal, just ask the king-maker.  Holder has also stated that the Mueller report has evidence that President Trump should be impeached.  The Peoples’ Republik of Kaliformia is paying Holder for services to oppose all thing Trump.

Holder would also likely get the king-maker Obama’s endorsement as he had described himself as, “Obama’s Wingman“. Never heard sad old Zori Joe Biden called, Barack’s wingman.

There you go, Harris/Holder, H2-2020. They won’t need a platform to campaign on. They’ll just scream Trump is a racist and he needs to be impeached.  Their campaign chant will be, “LOCK HIM UP!“.

The Dream Team

Some People Can’t Learn From The Past

Komrade Harris, senator from Kalifornia and 2020 presidential hopeful, announced that when she becomes ruler, er, president, that she will give away $100 Billion of your tax dollars to black folk. She says that this will go to down payments and closing costs of blacks who cannot save money to buy a house.  As the money is only for down payments she will be incentivising lenders to issue ONE TRILLION DOLLAR$ of junk loans.  This is all part of her platform to rectify “racial inequality” and to assuage the guilt of “America’s original sin, slavery“.

Once again, back the F’ing truck up a few short years. You only need to back up ONE DECADE in history.

We tried this once before by blindly issuing subprime loans (mortgages to people who would not be able to repay the loan) which caused the collapse of the banking industry. And who instigated the subprime debacle? President Obama. His administration famously stated that they forced lenders into giving loans at TWICE the previous rate to unqualified MINORITY (i.e. black) borrowers. Most of these folks ended up defaulting on their loans. The other consequence of unchecked lending was that housing prices sky rocketed because banks were “giving away” mortgages.

Komrade Harris wants to repeat the debacle of the President Obama playbook. Her plan is to once again give away over ONE TRILLION DOLLAR$ of subprime loans.

Once again we’ll see a bubble in real estate prices as people jump into the housing market using loans that they’ll never be able to pay back. Once again we’ll see a collapse of the financial industry and real estate values when all those loans go into defaultOnce again the American tax payer will be left holding the empty bag.

Sheesh, I guess ONE DECADE is ancient history, buried in the dust of antiquity.