Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

Impeachment Delay Theory

Why is Crazy Nancy Pelosi holding off on delivering the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate? I kept hearing that the House needed to hustle to pass the Articles of Impeachment because if President Trump stayed even one minute longer in the White House, that would constitute an “Imminent existential threat to Democracy“. Crazy Nancy went so far as to say President Trump is an “impostor” as our President, as there must be no doubt in her mind that Hillybob is the true President of The United States.

Back to the original question as to why Crazy Nancy is holding up the Articles. She keeps explaining along with the “fake news” media that the Senate must establish the “rules for a fair trial” before she’ll hand over the parchment.

I propose another theory.

Crazy Nancy may be holding off on handing over CONTROL of the impeachment process to Senator McConnell because of the upcoming Dimbulbcrat primaries next month. If she were to hand the Articles over to Moscow Mitch he could hold the trial before and through the biggest part of the Dimbulbs’ primary season. Why is this a problem? Senator McConnell could force, Wacky Comrade Bernie, Pocahontas, Spartacus, and Salad Lady, who are all sitting senators to attend the trial and effectively take them off of the campaign trail. Crazy Nancy may realize that leaves Sleazy Uncle Joe Biden in the best possible position for campaigning as several of the other front runners would be sidelined in Washington DC.

If the sitting senators decide to skip the trial and instead continue to campaign, they will implicitly be saying they don’t are about impeaching the President, That not only removes the senators from any impeachment vote but it also demonstrates to the public that this ENTIRE impeachment WAS and IS a SHAM.  Perhaps Crazy Nancy is really Crazy as a Fox.

We’ll have to wait and see if Crazy as a Fox Nancy hands over the Articles of Impeachment after the Dimbulbcrat primaries.

Who’s Too Stupid?

Elisa “Best and brightest of the CIA drones” Slotkin of Michigan implied that American voters are “too stupid” to make the “correct” decision and will re-elect President Trump in 2020, which is why he must be impeached, before voters can make the “wrong decision“.

Several other Dimbulbcrats have echoed the same sentiment. Moron Al Green of Texas stated, “We have to impeach him, otherwise he’s going to win the election“. Further, Wacky Al, says that if the President is not removed using the current baseless articles of impeachment, “The Constitution allows the President to be impeached more that once” and that there is “no limit on the number of times“. I’ve said it before, now that the Dimbulbs control the House, it will just be endless investigations because, “Orange-man bad“.

What the “brightest in the box of dimbulbs” are “too stupid” to see is that impeaching a “first term” President doesn’t prevent him from seeking a second term.  Here are the Constitutional requirements for President of the United States:

  • A natural born citizen of the United States
  • A resident for 14 years
  • 35 years of age or older

Maybe I’m “too stupid“, but I don’t see anything about not having been impeached as prior President as disqualifying to run for President.

But then I’ve never been a CIA officer which somehow would give me greater insight into Presidential conduct. I’m just a “smelly Walmart” voter, “too stupid” to NOT vote for President Trump in 2020.

Ukraine At War With Russia?

The sham impeachment of President Trump is proceeding in the House based upon the “abuse of power” by President Trump for withholding of “lethal” aid to Ukriane, which in turn “threatened our national security“, according to the Dimbulbcrats.

The premise is that Ukraine is fighting a proxy war for us against the Evil Soviet Bear. Hmmm.

The lethal aid that was provided to fight this “ongoing” war is the FGM-148 “Javelin”. which is a shoulder fired anti-tank missile.
You can watch a Raytheon promotional video HERE.

210 Javelins were sold to Ukraine in the first shipment. Subsequently another 150 have been approved to bring the total to 360 Javelins in Ukraine to destroy Putin’s tanks.

The Dimbulbs are impeaching the President for withholding the aid for 55 days to Ukraine to possess these missiles. Now those 55 days must somehow have turned the tide in the war Ukraine is fighting for US against Putin’s army as he rolls tanks towards Kiev. Without the Javelins we are to believe that the poor defenseless Ukrainians cannot stop the Great Bear.

Okay, once again, BACK THE F’ING TRUCK UP.

How many of Putin’s tanks have been destroyed by the first shipment of 210 Javelins? 210?, 200?, 100?

The exact number is ZERO, zilch, nada, none.

Okay MAYBE some of the missiles described as the “most lethal” anti-tank weapon, MISSED their targets.

How many Javelins have been fired by the Ukrainians against the onslaught of Russian armor, and missed their targets?

Once again ZERO, zilch, nada, none.

Not a single Javelin has been fired by the Ukrainians.

I need to have Doofus Schiff or Jaba Nadler, tell me a story about how slow rolling more missiles to Ukraine is a threat to OUR national security when the Ukrainians have fired a total of ZERO from the stockpile of 360 Javelins.  There are estimated to be 750 Russian T-90 tanks (their most advanced main battle tank) in all of the Russian Ground Forces.  The Ukrainians have enough firepower to defeat almost half of all of the Russian army’s mechanized force.

Oh the humanity!  How can anyone in this country sleep at night knowing that Ukraine will soon run out of Javelins in their ongoing fight against Putin.

As Crazy Auntie Maxine says, “Peach 45“.