Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

The Fourth Branch of Government?

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden came out this morning to deny the allegations that he sexually harassed Tara Reade, in 1993.

Here’s what I find interesting.

Most of his staunch supporters are all making the same statements about Uncle Joe’s innocence. They all say that an “in depth” investigation has been done and that there is no credible evidence to any part of Tara Reade’s allegations.

What agency performed this investigation? Was it the FBI?  Was it local law enforcement?  Was it the Capitol police?  Was it one of the many other branches of the Intelligence Agencies? No, the investigative AGENCY was The New York Times. When did the New York Tass become the official investigative agency of Senate misconduct? I thought there was something called the Senate Ethics Committee that handled such matters. But I’m just a silly commoner who must not have seen the Constitutional amendment granting official investigative and arbiter powers to a specific East Coast newspaper bureau.

Noted failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey ‘If I’m not the next Vice President, you’re a racist‘ Abrams had this to say a couple of days ago confirming the assignment of power to the New York Birdcage Liner.The New York Times did a deep investigation and they found that the accusation was not credible. I believe Joe Biden.

I’ve heard almost identical statements from others in government and the media.

Those investigations (by the NY Times), Vice President Biden has called for himself. Vice President Biden has vehemently denied these allegations and I support Vice President Biden.”, Senator Kirsten ‘Ranch dressing‘ Gillibrand.

I’m so glad that we have an esteemed and unbiased arbiter of justice as the official fourth branch of our government.

I’ll Most Likely Be Called A Homophobe

I’ve watched a few of the Dimbulbcrat “debates” and here’s something I find curious.

After the debate ends the spouse of the candidate comes onto the stage and hugs him and sometimes there is a little peck on the lips.
As the “first openly gay candidate” I have not seen Pete “Alfred E. Newman” Buttigieg with his guy spouse hugging or any other expression of affection. Why doesn’t the “first openly gay” presidential candidate kiss his “husband” on the lips on national TV?

Has this avoidance of affection been planned?

I admit that I don’t follow the gaggle of loony characters very closely, but I suspect most of America is still not ready to see their president kissing another dude.

Might it have something to do with poll numbers?

Every Vote Counts, Sort Of

The Iowa caucus happened one week ago and the results are still in question. The caucus system is a bit odd but it is what the residents of Iowa have done for years and traditionally is the first in the Presidential primary races.

Two of the Dimbbulbcrats have announced they are the “actual” victor in Iowa. Pete “Alfred E. Newman” Buttigieg and Comrade Sanders each have said they won. Somewhat “offically” Alfred won the caucus and he has taken his victory lap. Comrade Bernie keeps insisting he won because he won the POPULAR VOTE.

The odd thing is that I haven’t heard Alfred conceding the victory to the POPULAR VOTE winner, Bernie. If Newman actually believed in his own policies, that is what he SHOULD DO.

From Alfred E. Newman’s website:


A National Popular Vote to replace the Electoral College.

It’s simple: the candidate who gets the most votes should win. States don’t vote, people vote, and everyone’s vote should count exactly the same. The Electoral College has to go.”

He insists that ONLY THE POPULAR VOTE WINNER should be declared the winner in an election. Get rid of those pesky systems that lead to voter suppression.

Honesty is the best policy, right Petey?