Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

I Heard Frisco Real Estate Was Expensive, But…

I just read an article that we, the US tax payers, may end up paying for housing the homeless in San Francisco as a result of President Biden’s executive order which he signed on his first day in office.

The officials in Frisco decided to house the homeless in HOTELS as part of their master PLAN to get them a place of residence.  President Biden mentioned this PLAN when he signed the executive order, implying that the Frisco PLAN would be covered as part of the new LAW.

Now for the GOOD PART.

Frisco politicians are spending $18,000,000.00 per month to house 2200 people. That works out to $8,182 per month PER PERSON. Once again let’s put these numbers into perspective.

Home loans are about 3%. $8000 simoleons per month lets you buy a $1,950,000.00 house. Almost a $2 MILLION dollar house. Not bad for a meth head wouldn’t you say?  Will someone buy me a $2 MILLION DOLLAR HOUSE?!?!  If a couple of homeless folks got married, they could equivalently purchase a $4 MILLION DOLLAR pad.

This place in Frisco might go to someone in need, thanks to President Biden and his most generous plan to spend your money.  It’s listed for just over $4 MILLION.

Who needs to work hard or even win a lottery? Just hang out in Frisco and wait for the government to give you a nice big house with a view.

When Counselors Respond

The lunatic “Defund the Police” movement calls for counselors to respond to 911 calls rather than law enforcement. The mantra is that the counselors will, with their magical powers, peacefully de-escalate ANY situation, while the those who hold the thin blue line only know one skill and that is to kill more people of a certain skin color.  As Alexie Occasional Cortex says, “Defunding the police means defunding police“.

The city of Los Angeles listened to their esteemed leader and has cut the budget for the police.

I read this headline today:

Los Angeles counselor fatally beaten at children’s home trying to break up fight

Yup, counselors are the answer.

Felony Charges A’comin?

I’ll make another prediction.

Almost half of voters in the US voted for President Trump to have a second term. Unlike what the doddering old fool Biden said, it was not a clear mandate for him. There has been talk that President Trump may try for a second term in 2024. He may have the momentum if the Biden administration screws things up, which is not beyond the realm of possibility.

Here’s my prediction.

The Dims led by the likes of Schiff and Nadler of the House Judiciary will forward referrals of felonious conduct of now CITIZEN Trump to the DOJ for crimes committed as President. If Biden appoints an attorney general with hatred of President Trump such as Xavier Becerra, the Kalifornia AG or former AG Eric Holder, the DOJ will enthusiastically pursue indicting and prosecuting President Trump.
The Dims only need to get one felony conviction against President Trump and he will never be able to run for President again. There doesn’t even need to be jail time, just a conviction.

They will wait for one to two years before pursuing the cases. That way if they can get a conviction in year three of the doddering fools run, President Trump will not have enough time to appeal any ruling thus preventing him from running for his second term, even if he does eventually get the conviction overturned.

If they cannot get a conviction, they will still use the indictment much like the impeachment, to dirty him up and solidify the minds of the half of America that didn’t vote for President Trump that “Orange-man” is still bad.

Anyone want to bet against me that Schiff and Nadler are chomping at the bit to start this?

Part of the plan for permanent control of our lives.