Category Archives: Government

Stuff you may or may not know about your local, state, and federal government

Irony Of My First Post About The DNC

I had pointed out the ironic choice of The Wells Fargo Center as the venue for the DNC convention and Hillybob coronation ceremony only because it was humorous to me that the “most progressive” party would hold their convention at a place sponsored by big banking.  You can read my original post about the DNC’s choice of location here.

Wells Fargo, the sponsor of the venue was recently fined $185,000,000 for opening more than 2 MILLION fraudulent bank and credit card accounts without customers’ knowledge or consent.

My first post seems somewhat prescient, given all of the secrecy and deception that surrounds the DNC and their candidate, that Wells Fargo is just as sneaky.

I find it interesting that Wells Fargo fraud wasn’t caught by the Feds who have oversight of the banking industry.  A reporter brought it to the Feds’ attention after he received complaints from consumers and had done his own investigation.  Wells Fargo says that they have gotten rid of the bad apples by firing 5300  managers and employees.  The highest level employee affected was allowed to retire and keep $123,000,000 in stock and bonuses.  Not a bad parting gift, if you were to ask me.

The sad part about the piercing of the veil of secrecy surrounding the DNC is that it was only through the hacked emails published by Wikileaks that any of this came to see the light of day.

I wonder if President Hillybob will claim as did President Obama to have the most transparent administration ever.

Hmmm, maybe they use “transparent” to mean that you can see what’s beyond, but not necessarily what’s right in front of your eyes?

Who’s Paying For This?

President Obama and Vice President Biden are out on the campaign trail stumping for their stooge.

My question is, “Who is paying for this?”.

If The President travels to a speaking engagement he flies with the squadron of three VH-3D Sea King helicopters, Marine One from the White House to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland. He then will transition to a Boeing 747, Air Force One. “The Beast” his armored SUV is also flown via military transport to where he will be speaking. Along with him are US Marine security as well as his Secret Service detail. On the little jaunt will also be his staffers. I suspect there are at least 100 people, all government employees, involved in getting The President to a Hillybob stump party.

I’m going to make what we called in my industry a WAG or “wild ass guess” now. Let’s guess $200,000 per hour for flight time. NPR reports suggest that it’s much higher than $200,000.  Let’s look at a ONE hour jaunt by our President. For that one hour excursion we have three helos at 2 hours (back and forth 4 times to Quantico), a 747 at 2 hours (out and back), and a cargo transport at 2 hours (out and back), that’s 10 flight hours. That makes it $2,000,000 in tax payer money for each trip.  If we look at the salaries of 100 people with a fully loaded rate of $150 per hour that’s another $120,000 buckaroos for one wasted day.

To be fair, there is a reimbursement that the DNC pays for the flight time. But they only pay what the cost would have been to charter a commercial flight. Oddly the charted fare can be calculated using a much much smaller plane. It’s not clear if they pay for Marine One and transportation of “The Beast”.  For WAG purposes let’s say they reimburse half of the cost. That leaves the cost of that one hour flight at $1,000,000 plus $120,000 in salaries.

I suspect my estimates are low knowing the waste in government spending. But for expediency let’s round down and call it $1 million for The President to fly to a destination 1 hour away to deliver a Hillybob rah-rah.

The answer to the question is, “You pay for it, sucka!”

Every time you see President Obama blabbing how great Hillybob is, remember the reality is, you just paid $1,000,000 whether you will vote for her or not.

Numbers above are just my WAG, Your mileage may vary…

“Bomb The Sh*t Out Of Them!”

Mr. Trump said this back in November of 2015 in regards to stopping ISIS in Libya. He was widely criticized by both The Hilderbeast and President Obama as having no clue how to deal with ISIS, that misunderstood group of Radical Islamic Terrorists that just need jobs.  Of course neither Hillybob nor President Obama have yet to say, “Radical Islamic Terrorist” nor do they seem to realize that it’s a religious Jihad and not a workplace issue.

On to the fun stuff.

I just saw this Pentagon release (click here) from August of 2016. Basically it says that US Military, “AUTHORIZED BY THE PRESIDENT”, is going to bomb the sh*t out of ISIL targets in Libya!

Is the Noble Peace Prize  Laureate taking a page out of the Republican Nominee’s playbook?  For his first few years, President Obama seemed to execute the George W. Bush playbook on the war front even as he blamed Mr. Bush for all the ills of the world. Then he switched over to his own plan.  Under his plan, our President with the help of his now presidential endorsee Hillybob, ended up with ISIS in a screwed up Libya, Syria, and Iraq.  Perhaps he now sees that Mr. Trumps plan might be better than his current plan which has been ineffective in slowing the spread of ISIS.

Now for the INTERESTING PART in the Pentagon Press Release.  WHY IS IT that the only names mentioned are Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford, USMC?  Even though the action was authorized by The President, you don’t see his name, President Barack Obama, anywhere in the release.  The mention of who authorized the “bombing the sh*t out of ISIS” was made as insignificant as possible in the release.  It’s also  misspelled.  It should be capitalized! The press release should have been written, “… authorized by The President”.

I cannot believe that a bunch of lawyers and political staff weenies whom reviewed the release, “accidentally” missed that misspelling.

Is someone trying to obfuscate something?