Category Archives: Culture

Take Time To Remember

On this Independence Day, take a moment to remember that The United States of America is the greatest country that has ever existed.

Please reflect upon the foundational truths in the Declaration of Independence.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Enjoy the day!

The Sky Is Falling, Err, The Sea Is Rising

As I mentioned in a previous post, HERE, the prediction is after President Trump pulled out of the Paris accord, that there will be mass flooding, polar bears starving, mass extinction, island countries disappearing underwater, millions of people dying, droughts, floods, and cats sleeping with dogs.  Oh my.

What do the numbers say and just what are the “scientist” saying?  I looked up just how bad this mass flooding which will kill millions, actually is.  According to “research” the average sea level increase is 3 millimeters per year.  That’s a bit over 1/10th of an inch every year.  Oh the humanity.  Let’s see, in 10 years, that would be a fraction more than 1 inch.  In 100 years, that’s still less than 1 foot of sea level rise.

To put this imminent calamity in perspective, the average DAILY  sea level change in the open ocean due to the tides is TWO FEET.  Tidal changes at the coastline are much greater.  In the Bay of Fundy in Canada, the average tidal change is over FIFTY THREE FEET!!!

All of the tidal changes are caused by the pull of the Moon and the Sun.  Maybe the Paris Accord Part Deux should create a non-binding order to  ban the orbiting of the planets.

A Simple Question

Why is it that the “weatherman” (okay you PC police, weather-non-gender-specific-person) often times can’t predict the weather for the next day, and people just laugh and say “you know they are quite often wrong“.  However when they predict flooding, polar bears starving, mass extinction, island countries disappearing underwater, millions of people dying, droughts, floods, and cats sleeping with dogs 100 YEARS IN THE FUTURE, many if not most people declare that as an UNDENIABLY ACCURATE FACT?

How about we try what Dr. Michael Crichton suggested and have the “climate experts” commit to a 10-year prediction and let’s see how good the computer models are before we continue on the path of economic self flagellation.