Category Archives: Culture

Eating Their Own

You can’t make up “news” this wacky.

Berkeley Kalifornia is obviously the center of leftist (Democratic) thought in this country. It USED to be known as the place where the “free speech” movement began. Free speech is GONE in Berkeley.

Dr. Richard Dawkins is the ATHEIST, Oxford College evolutionary biologist who is known for his anti-Christian views. He is (perhaps WAS) the DARLING of the LEFT. He himself is a self proclaimed LIBERAL thinker.

Dawkins was supposed to promote his new book in a talk that was to be broadcast tomorrow (Aug 9, 2017) on a LIBERAL talk radio station.  His talk was banned from the radio station!

Why? Well as a good atheist, Dawkins not only has anti-Christian views (which is okay to the “progre-sissies“), he also has a negative view of MUSLIMS as well.  He believes ALL religions are the “thoughts of children” and that SCIENCE defines everything.

In the unwritten laws of the Progre-sissy Nation, you can hate on Christians all you want, but if you hate on Muslims (the progressives’ chosen ones), you’ve crossed the LINE!

In a release from the radio station regarding banning Dawkins, “we didn’t know he had offended and hurt — in his tweets and other comments on Islam, so many people.  KPFA does not endorse hurtful speech. While KPFA emphatically supports serious free speech, we do not support abusive speech. We apologize for not having had broader knowledge of Dawkins views much earlier.”  Highlights are mine.

Sheesh, you mean to tell me that the brain trust in Berkeley doesn’t know that “atheist” means “does not believe in the existence of any god“.  Apparently the Progre-sissy Nation view is that “atheist” means “a disbelief in ONLY the Judeo-Christian God”.  Once again, comments against Christians, OKAY.  Comments against Muslims, NOT OKAY.

Dawkins calls out the “Regressive Left” (his words) as the instigators of his ban. He states that the Regressive Left has the belief that Muslims are a race, and not just believers of the Islamic faith.  Therefore they classify his views as racist hate speech.  I may not agree with most of Dawkins’ views but he is CONSISTENT in the application of his world view.

Free speech and the exchange of ideas, even those one may find abhorrent, USED to be valued and protected in the United States.  Once again the “Progressive Left” shows their true colors and demonstrates that “Free Speech” is acceptable as long as it meets THEIR criteria of “Correct Speech“.

Orwell was right.  “1984” just happened a little later than he predicted.

Liberal Bias?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

This is the second paragraph of The United States Declaration of Independence.


I just watch Tucker Carlson of Fox News debating the liberal radio host Ethan Bearman on the fake news story that the Trump Administration has declared a war on “affirmative action”. The hubub is over the fact that there is an investigation over discrimination against ASIAN applicants to Harvard University. In this screwy liberal world ASIANS apparently are WHITE CRACKERS and discrimination against them is of no consequence, because as Ethan Bearman stated, “They (Asians) are over represented” at universities.  Okay, that point aside, the interesting argument that Ethan Bearman brought up was the “science of Epigenetics“.


As just a dumb uneducated Trump voting Asian-White-Cracker, living in a trailer, I had to look up just what is Epigenetics.

Basically it means that certain characteristics can be selected out or expressed by changing the environment that an organism grows up in. The progeny (children) will inherit these changed or “damaged” characteristics.  Epigenetic “theory” differs from regular old Darwinian genetic selection in that the changes are “supposedly” not just DNA based but how DNA sequences are expressed due to outside influences  Okay be that as it may, here’s where the LIBERAL BIAS gets interesting if you hang with the belief system of Epigenetics.

Tucker Carlson posed a scenario that perhaps colleges should just accept an applicant regardless of skin color, based only on the applicant’s merits. This is where Bearman argued that Carlson is ignoringthe science of epigenitics“. Bearman went on to say that EPIGENETICS plays a role because as he said, “Blacks have been historically oppressed”.  He emphasized that Carlson needs to look upthe science of epigenetics“.

Now I don’t know about you, but…. Ethan Bearman just stated, by way of THIS argument, that Blacks are genetically disadvantaged (inferior) to all other ethnic groups because of long term cultural oppression, as proven by “the science of EPIGENETICS”.

Now that’s one heck of a statement about the Black community!

Sheesh, I could not believe that I was hearing this BULL SHIT.  Sadly if you go down this sewer hole of a belief system, you would have to conclude that unless there is an infusion of “better”, that is non-culturally oppressed, genetic material into the DNA line, the Black community has already been irreparably genetically damaged and destined to a future life of failure.

I think LIBERAL LEFT should take stock of their SUPERIOR belief system and people of color should take stock of what the LEFT actually believes about them.