Category Archives: Culture

PRK Demands Feds To Enforce The Law

PRK Attorney General Xavier “Little Puppetman of the Left” Becerra has filed a suit against the Federal government for “failure to enforce smog standards“. In the usual hackneyed cry of the pussy-nation, Little Puppetman Becerra is screaming out in rage that “People will die!” because President Trump’s agencies are ignoring President Obama’s promises. In the suit, Little Puppetman says,”Lives can be saved if the EPA implements these standards“.

Once again, back the F’ing crazy truck up.

Governor Moonbeam Brown, Little Puppetman, and their lackey legal consultant Eric Holder have all said they will resist President Trump’s decision to exit the Paris Climate Accord. Moonbeam has said the PRK will go it alone to meet all the mandates of the Paris Accord without the blessing of the Federal government. They all feel that they can enforce “world emissions law” but oddly, for some unknown reason, they do not feel that they can enforce US smog laws here in the PRK, on their own.

As some background, the Clean Air Act that Moonbeam, Little Puppetman, et al are suing the Federal government over, has to do with near ground ozone levels. They imply that this also has to do with automotive emissions standards.

Here’s more background information. The PRK has in the past mandated stricter automotive emissions standards than the Federal government (without suing the Federal government). A consumer had to pay a higher price for a motor vehicle in the PRK in order to pay for the extra emissions control equipment to meet the stricter requirements. You could not buy a new car in another state and register it in the PRK.  Of course the vehicles in the PRK were not only more expensive but also lower in performance.  Today, the manufacturers have made the decision to produce cars that are “50-state compliant” avoiding the confusion of PRK laws.  The PRK forced the rest of the nation to pay for the additional emissions equipment, whether they wanted it or not.  Quite fair to the other 49 states.

And some more background. Local PRK governments, cities and counties, have long implemented their own smog laws. Los Angeles, for example, put evaporative containment regulations on gas pumps long before any other city in the PRK or any other state in the nation required them. In the PRK a simple gas can needs to have a “no spill”, positive shut off valve on the nozzle.  These are referred to as California Air Resources Board or CARB compliant containers. The nozzles are a pain to use and more gas is spilled because everyone tries to bypass the function or just replaces it with a non-compliant hose.  It’s an infraction to not have a compliant nozzle on your gas can, but I have never seen anyone enforce the law.  That all said, the cities, counties, or state didn’t need to sue the Federal government to take the actions.

The list of PRK CARB restricted items is quite long. It includes boats, fuel storage, gardening equipment, generators, farming equipment, and commercial equipment.

What does all this background information mean? It means the PRK can do whatever it wants to (and has in the past) regarding smog regulations.

What does the law suit actually mean? Can you say SHOWBOATING?  It’s just another way for the pussies of the PRK to give the middle-finger to President Trump.

Don’t get me started on the FACT that the PRK is suing to have Federal EPA RULES enforced, BUT ON THEIR OWN created a pussy-nation sanctuary state as a defiant refusal to comply with Federal immigration LAW. 

And In Sports News…

Remember the three UCLA basketball hoodlums that were caught on video STEALING items from multiple high-end stores in China and subsequently arrested by Chinese authorities? After President Trump called in a favor from SecGen of the Communist Party, Xi Jinping to obtain their release from a likely prison sentence, they returned to the US and were eventually suspended by the UCLA basketball team (ooh what a harsh punishment).  Personally I would have let them rot in a cold cell in China as an example to others.  Of course Libtard Lavar Ball, supposed father of one of the thieves, said that it was his work with the Chinese and not President Trump’s that obtained the release of his son and the two other CRIMINALS.

The ungrateful Lavar Ball, father of the thief LiAngelo Ball, just today removed his son from UCLA to “train him, himself” for his upcoming non-existent NBA career. From what my friends who follow basketball tell me, the kid has a “Round circular mass of packed frozen ice crystals, in the hot place” of getting an NBA contract. That said, the delusional “father” has additional plans in store for his hoodlum son, that he raised so well.

Lavar, who owns BBB shoes (Bitty Blue Balls, or something like that) plans to release another MULTI-HUNDRED dollar shoe, named after his kleptomaniac son. It is reported by the loser network ESPN that the shoe will be called the “GELO 3“.

I believe that the GELO 3, (Get Easily Let Out, all 3), pays homage to the three thieving kids. Word on the street is that it is based on the design of the shoes worn by track sprinter Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world, holder of World and Olympic records . Perfect for hitting the tarmac and escaping pursuit after doing the five-finger discount in high end stores.  Put your order in now, as they will sell (or get stolen) fast.

All Of The Left and A Few Blue State Republicans Defend The Rich

Tax the RICH!  Make them PAY!  The RICH don’t pay for enough!  Wealth redistribution!”  The cries of the PUSSY-NATION.  They are also screaming, “Keep the tax breaks for the wealthy!”  Whaaaat?

There is one part of the proposed tax plan that WACKY-LIBS and Republicans, who represent those who live in the deep blue states, are all upset over. This is the deduction of state and local taxes or SALT as some call it.  Which group of citizens does this deduction benefit the most?  Why the wealthiest of course.

Why does President Trump want this in the tax plan?  Because he says, and he is correct, that it is the FAIR thing to do.  President Trump has a mantra of “Everyone should pay their fair share“.  Look what he demanded of the United Nations.  And some of the free-loader countries listened and started paying their share.

Eliminating the SALT deduction from income used to calculate federal income tax  is getting the most push back from the Democrat controlled People’s Republik of Kalifornia, New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, where taxes are stifling because of all the expensive real estate and taxes to fund all of the massive freebie give-away programs. Who pays the most taxes in these most liberal of liberal states? That would be the uber rich liberals in their giant expensive mansion, the tech billionaires, and especially the real estate moguls. You know people like Donald Trump.  If you are a liberal and against the tax plan, you are for keeping the tax break in Donald Trump’s personal fortune.  Awesome.

Let’s take a look at  what the SALT deduction means to the “AVERAGE” American and how FAIR it is.

The marginal income tax in the PRK can be as high as 13.3%. In Wyoming there is no state income tax but local taxes can be up to 1%. Property tax in the PRK is 1% of assessed value. Wyoming it’s 0.62%. The median home price in the PRK is $400,000 so the property tax is $4000. The median home price in Wyoming is $200,000 and that resident pays $1240 in property tax. For comparison, let’s say each makes person earns $100,000 in income. The PRK guy pays over $6000 in state income tax. The Wyoming cowboy has NO state income tax at that level of earning.  Totaling the property and state income taxes for each person is as follows:

Mr. PRK,  $6000 state income tax + $4000 property tax = $10,000 deduction

Cowboy,  $0.00 state income tax + $1240 property tax = $1240 deduction

What do these numbers mean to the IRS?

The PRK liberal adjusts his FEDERAL taxable income DOWN by $10,000. The Wyoming cowboy only get to reduce his tax liability down by $1240. The wealthy PRK resident’s taxable income is $8760 LESS than the cowboy as far as the IRS is concerned. If we look up his federal taxes, Mr. PRK owes $15,547 at a tax rate of 17.27%. The schmuck cowboy on the other hand pays $18,047 at the higher income bracket of 18.05% (remember because he only can deduct $1240 that puts him into a higher tax bracket), all because his state is fiscally more conservative and housing is less expensive.

The Mr. Liberal PRK guy contributes $2500  LESS to the pool of money required to run the FEDERAL government than the cowboy up North even though they both make IDENTICAL SALARIES! Does that sound fair to you?  Seems pretty fair to me.

Libtards helping out the wealthier folks.  Woohoo!!!

The pushback is because of personal greed.  No one seems to care about fairness in taxation.  Republican Peter King of wealthy Long Island, New York and all the other congressmen from his state have been screaming that New Yorkers are only getting back 69% of what they pay in to the Federal government.  Wait a sec, there congressmen.  We pay federal taxes to run the COUNTRY.  It doesn’t work that you give money to federal government and then they just give it right back. WE pay federal taxes to collectively do things such as fund the military, build infrastructure, do the big things that benefit the COUNTRY.  We are all in this together.  It’s not every man for himself.  The left and blue state Republicans should think about what John F. Kennedy said in his inaugural address, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.

Now as a landed individual, here behind enemy lines in the PRK, I have been benefiting from the deduction. I want to thank my liberal friends for defending my tax breaks! Thank you , thank you.