All posts by Lonewriter


Do we really need all these warnings?

I was looking to buy a chainsaw to take down a dead tree in my backyard.  As I am Mr. Green energy with my electric vehicle I thought that an electric chainsaw would make the most sense.  No hydrocarbon emissions.  No mixing fuel and oil.  No need to worry about storing gas.

What I didn’t realize was the hazard in owning such a device.  Good thing that Amazon gave me ample warning before I bought  a 40V, brushless motor, 16 inch saw.

“NOT for children under 3 yrs.”

You can click on the picture to zoom in.

I will admit that I’m not a parent, but is a chainsaw something that you would give to a toddler as a toy?  Is a chainsaw okay to give to a kid older than 3 years?

Lawyers, bah humbug!

I’d Have Gone For The Throat

I was watching a video of FAILED presidential candidate, Senator Warren, questioning Betsy DeVos during DeVos’s confirmation hearing for Secretary of Education. The junior senator kept hounding Ms. DeVos on what assurance does the “public” have that money allocated to the department of education would not be wasted.

If I was in Betsy DeVos’s shoes I would have answered that question with the following:

I will guarantee that myself and my staff will follow all established guidelines and principles of the Department of Education regarding waste, fraud, and abuse. And along those lines I would punish anyone who falsely claims minority status, especially those pretending to be Native American, who attempt to defraud the American Taxpayer and those minorities that rightly deserve access to those funds.

Thank you for the question Senator Pocohon…, ahem Warren.

The Real Reason

The People’s Republik of Kalifornia is crashing along to become a “sanctuary state” as are several other states. The “leaders” say that we are doing this for compassionate reasons and that this is what America stands for.

Okay, let’s look at the number to see if we can figure out where these “American values” truly come from.

One of the big arguments that I hear from the “progre-sissies” is that illegal immigrants contribute a large part to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In quick terms GDP is the total dollar amount of salaries paid OR the total dollar amount of money spent in a region, state, or country. The figure tossed about is $130 billion dollars that illegals contribute towards the national GDP. Now if we look at the number of illegals in the United States, that number is “officially” 11.1 million people. Using regular employment hours that works out to an average wage of, wait for it, $5.86 per hour.

Whoa there Nellie.  The national minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. The minimum in the PRK is $10.50 per hour, heading up to $12.00 per hour in a couple of years.

Hmmm, you can pay an illegal about half of what a legal resident gets paid here in the PRK in just wages alone. I say wages alone, because if you are legally employing someone there are additional items that an employer must pay including workman’s comp, medical, vacation, insurances, etc. which make up a compensation package. That can add 50% to 100% more to what is paid. In reality it would cost up to 4 times more to have a legal worker  work a job than what it would cost to have an illegal work that job.

That’s why the “leaders” in areas with large numbers of illegals want them to remain here in our country.  If the keepers of the state kicked out all the illegals, who would do the jobs that they currently perform at below minimum wage?

Let me state right here that the vast majority of illegals in our country are hard working people and not a threat to society.

Here’s the rub.  If all of these hardworking folks who are getting paid much less than minimum wage were to be kicked out of our country, prices would rise on the cost of goods and services.  Who would work the in the fields harvesting by hand?  Who would sew goods?  Who would work in the food service industry?  Who would provide maid services?  Who would provide gardening services?  Who would load and unload trucks?  Who would do the heavy lifting in the construction industry?  Who would be willing to work any hard job for less than minimum wage and with no benefits?

And who is benefiting the most from the sweat off the backs of undocumented?  Surprisingly it’s the most hated folks of the progre-sissy movement, the wealthy.  The cheaper the labor, the more the profit.  Simple economics is the REAL REASON that we need illegal immigrants.  It’s interesting how those in power have managed to convince the progre-sissies that this is all about compassion.  It has nothing to do with compassion, only about profit.  If they couldn’t be exploited I’d bet that you wouldn’t hear much about protecting that class within our country.  If the illegal population were taking away jobs from the progre-sissies I’d again bet we wouldn’t hear a great outcry to keep them here.

I hear lots of noise about keeping illegals here working. Have you heard any “progre-sissies” demanding higher pay for illegal immigrants?

Why do I hear only crickets?