Liar, Liar, Pantsuit on Fire!

Veep Kammie Harris (along with her comfort doggie, White Taco Tampon Timmy) did her first “sit down news interview” last night (Aug 29, 2024). The ONLY policy that she mentioned was a $6000 child tax credit, which she mentioned over and over again. It was basically her only talking point for her 30 minute interview. She said that her continuation of the Child Tax Credit during her reign as veep, lifted 50% of impoverished children, out of poverty. That is an amazing statistic that I never heard before. Kudos to her IF THAT’S TRUE. Oh wait one…

The Child Tax Credit was established in 1997. This wasn’t the work of Veep Kammie. The number of eligible taxpayers that could claim the Tax Credit was greatly increased by the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017”. Quick question. Who was President in 2017? One guess. His name starts with Donald and ends with Trump.

Stupid as I am, I looked up the numbers for children in poverty by year according to The United States Census Bureau. From 2017 to 2019 (those awful Trump years) the percentage of children (under the age of 18) below the poverty line DROPPED from17.5% to 14.4%. In 2020 most likely due to the China Virus Pandemic that number went up to 16% as ORANGE HITLER left office.

For Kammie to take credit for lifting 50% of those kids out of poverty she must have driven the number down to 8% with her policies.

As of 2022, half way through Kammie’s and Lunch Bucket Joe’s tenure, the childhood poverty rate was 15%.

Isn’t 15% almost twice as big as Kammie’s claimed 8%?

15% is still MORE than the low of 14.4% during ORANGE HITLER’S time in office.

I wish I could spout out BULLSHIT NUMBERS like Kammie can.

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