Irrational Voters

The NPR/Maris poll shows Bidumb at 50% and President Trump at 48% in a head to head match-up among “supposedly” registered voters.

Digging deeper into the poll statistics reveals some interesting facts.
Of those same “voters” polled, 64% responded that they, “… do not think Biden has the mental fitness to serve as president.”

We can assume that the 36% that believe Bidumb is mentally sound are your hardcore Dimbulbcrats, like the cast of “The Pew” (The View)

What that means is that 14% of Bidumb supporters will choose the braindead husk for President even though they believe he is MENTALLY UNFIT for office. That is some serious Trump Derangement Syndrome.  We can extrapolate that to the total population. This indicates that there are around 46,200,000 people who support a husk who they KNOW TO BE UNFIT FOR OFFICE!  Over 42 MILLION!  That’s a fecal-load of MORONS.

What a country!

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