The New God

There was an article published a few days ago which described that church attendance and affiliation has been dropping precipitously in the past 20 years.

According to a Gallup poll, church membership has dropped from 60% to 50% in just the past 10 years. The survey contends that younger folks are one of the biggest factors that are driving these numbers downward. Only 42% of Millennials are affiliated with a church.

Interestingly there is another “trend” that appears to track the downward direction of church attendance. The fall of a POSITIVE VIEW OF CAPITALISM. In another Gallup poll, the same Millennial group has dropped their view of CAPITALISM as good from 68% to 45%. And what is the alternative to CAPITALISM?


Now what does SOCIALISM have to do with RELIGION?

Let’s look at the words of Christ in Luke 16:13, “No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other“.


You cannot believe in a higher authority than government. You must show complete allegiance and bow down to government.  The government will provide.

Look at what the socialist such as Sanders, Warren, Yang, Cortez, Omar, and the rest of the Democrats propose. Free healthcare. Free housing. Free food. Free education, Free money. They also say they are the only way to a “Garden of Eden” environment. All of your “needs” are provided for by the government. The government will shepherd your UTOPIAN SOCIALIST life. Just give the government control of everything and they will provide for you a perfect worry-free existence.

Doesn’t that sound like they are playing god?

Turning away from God and loving big government.  Leave God and embrace the new god, SOCIALISM.

“… he will hate the one and love the other…”


References for the Gallup polls HERE and HERE

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