NOTICE, all of the following is hypothetical. It does not represent any specific person alive or dead. Wink wink.
No one in the “media” will say this, but I will. Not everyone should be believed just because of their gender and some claims can be dismissed without further discussion.
How much credence would you give to an accusation given the following facts:
1. The accuser has a PhD. in clinical psychology and is a professor in the field of psychology. She is supposedly trained in understanding the human mind.
2. The accuser did not recall the attack against her until a therapy session to work out problems with her marriage.
3. The accuser only recalled the attack after 30 years while in aforementioned therapy session. The accuser claims that the memory of the incident was repressed.
4. The accuser cannot recall when the attack occurred. The accuser cannot even narrow the timeline down to which year the attack occurred.
5. The accuser cannot recall where the attack occurred.
6. The accuser named an eyewitness to the attacked who categorically denies that the attack ever occurred.
7. The accuser originally made the accusation anonymously.
8. The accuser originally stated that she did not want her identity revealed beyond the anonymous letter.
9. The accuser after penning the anonymous letter hired a high powered lawyer to represent her. I suppose everyone needs to keep a lawyer on hand.
10. The accuser again after penning the anonymous letter, had a polygraph test performed regarding her accusations. What the heck? Do you take a polygraph for fun?
Now the “pound me too” movement professes that ALL women who accuse men of bad acts MUST be believed. They say that it does not matter if there is factual evidence behind the accusation or not. An ACCUSATION IS EVIDENCE in their simple minds.
Once again, I’ll say this since no one else will. Given the 10 FACTS above, I’d say the woman may believe in her own mind that the incident occurred, but the facts indicate that it didn’t. I believe that the accuser, with coaching from her therapist, is created the delusion to justify why she has poor relationships with men.